Top 37 Apps Similar to CalliPlus Chinese Calligraphy

Cursive Dictionary 6.4
The Chinese Calligraphy, Cursive dictionary.
Calligraphy collection 2.4.2
Learn calligraphy, practice calligraphy, and studycalligraphycollection!
說文字典 3.8.54
The structure of Chinese characters is beautiful. First,understandthe structure of the characters from the explanation ofthe text,try to integrate the relevant structure of the characters,andextensively refer to the explanations of various calligraphybooksand classics, so that you can learn quickly and penetratetheancient and modern characters.
汉语字典 - 汉字笔顺、新华字典 2.8.3
Chinese Dictionary is a handheld Chinese dictionary thatsupportsoffline, detailed content, free of charge, andhigh-qualitytypesetting. The Chinese dictionary contains more than20,000international (GBK) Chinese characters and more than150,000entries.
唐詩三百首 2.3.1
Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasuresofancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profoundfeeling!
古詩詞大全 4.1.1
This is a rescue literary degeneration of ancient poetry APP,tohelp you learn ancient poetry.
Three hundred poems of Tang poetry, detailed annotationsandphonetic, supporting full-text search
國語辭典 - 中文漢字筆順、漢語字典 3.7.2
The Mandarin Dictionary is a handheld Chinese dictionarythatsupports offline, detailed content, no charge, andhigh-qualitytypesetting. The Mandarin Dictionary contains more than20,000 GBKChinese characters and more than 150,000 entries.
书法字典大全Pro 1.1.2
More than 300,000 words written by Chinese calligraphers, fivetypesof fonts.
成語典 - 成語詞典、成語字典 3.0.0
The "Idioms Dictionary" contains a total of more than 20,000idioms,including interpretations of idioms, allusions,allusions,documentary evidence, usage instructions, identification,etc., andmore than 1,000 idiom stories.
古詩三百首 7.9.5
Three hundred ancient poems
汉字笔顺-常用中文3500个汉字的笔顺写法 1.1.5
萌典—教育部國語、臺語、客語辭典民間版 6.0.3
Audrey Tang
道德經(又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文) 2.2.0
SmartHanzi 2023.09
Smart reader for Chinese texts
書法加 ( CalliPlus ) 書法字典 3.7
Daniel Kao
個人隨身書法字帖,只要有網路,隨時可以查詢想要練習的字。中國地區請科學上網,不然搜尋結果會被屏蔽,導致沒有結果查詢字帖1. 查詢單字:列出單字在各書法家在各字帖中的寫法。亦可直接用簡體字查詢。2. 查詢多個字:透過左右滑動,切換不同單字的列表。3. 因應畫面大小,可在設定中,指定畫面一次顯示幾列字。4. 顯示作者及字帖來源。5. 可以設字帖的背景色看大字,練習寫字1. 點擊小字可以看大圖2. 可設定字帖後面是否加上九宮格,更加容易掌握字體結構。3. 可設定字帖是否顯示紅色中空字帖,跟真的書法練習本相同。4. 可以直接在大字上,用手練習硬筆字。5. 可以分享字帖,或是分享自己的硬筆字6. 可以儲存字帖和自己的硬筆字 (儲存於SD卡上的 CalliPlus 目錄)* 7. 可以儲存多個字帖,拼接成一張圖片三希堂中的字帖列表已整理的有:王羲之的快雪時晴帖、王珣的伯遠帖、歐陽詢的卜商帖、顏真卿的自書告身帖、蔡襄的進詩帖、蘇軾的赤壁賦、歐陽詢的張翰帖、和還在進行中的心經楷書整理。獨立新增字帖列表新加入黃自元的間架結構九十二法,方便有系統地學習楷書。Android 4.4 以上的版本,支援列印字帖功能。可在開啟字帖後,按右上方的列印想要練習毛筆字,或是過年要寫春聯卻不知道要怎麼下筆的人;甚至是想寫硬筆字,都可以找到適合自己的字帖。平常可以當成書法字帖字典來使用。可以在手機上不斷地練習寫同一個字。字型來源出處為行政院國家發展委員會,CNS11643中文標準交換碼全字庫網站
新华字典 | 汉语字典 23.2.9
Completely offline Chinese dictionary
中国诗词 | 唐诗宋词 | 古诗词 1.0.6
Learn Chinese traditional culture, Tang poetry, Song poetryandother ancient poems
HK Chinese Lexical List UpGrd
Upgraded Version removed ads in app
How to write Chinese character 1.2.9
A Chinese dictionary with stroke order guide in writing characters
DangDai Chinese 當代中文課程 1.2.0
The most professional app to learn Mandarin Chinese!
Cangjie Dictionary - Learn to
Easy Use
Just copy any Chinese and get the "letters"
Chinese Handwriting Recog 1.5.7
Chinese character(Hanja, Kanji) handwriting recognitiondictionaryapp.
古詩詞名句賞析 2.9.0
宋詞三百首 - 宋詞賞析、注釋、譯文、作者介紹、詩詞魅力 9.3.5
Appreciate Song Ci, and enjoy the charm of Song Ci in 300 SongCiAPP
中華上下五千年 1.8.0
ShaSha Ltd
"China five thousand years," covers the vast land of ChinafromPangu to five years down the development process late QingDynasty.
倉頡/速成練習工具 3.1.2
Practice makes perfect, life is used Master the Cangjie/Crashinputmethod by repeating the input exercises.
手寫佛經(含辭典) 2.5
Allows you to read or copy Buddhist scriptures and mantras,andprovide a Buddhist dictionary, including search tools and wordtipsin the scriptures. Contents include: Heart Sutra, DiamondSutra,Amitabha Sutra, Ten Mantras and other scriptures and commonlyusedmantras, as your portable Buddhist reference tool.
繁簡轉換 2.5.0
1.文字翻譯,文檔轉換二合一,一個APP全搞定!2.包括多種翻譯模式,內涵香港繁體,台灣正體,大陸簡體,常用詞彙翻譯。3.文字翻譯包括文字語音播放功能(支持廣東話,台灣方言,普通話)。支持使用廣東話,國語,普通話轉文字功能!(需要錄音權限)4.文檔轉換可從手機空間,Google Drive,Dropbox等雲端獲取文檔,智能翻譯,一鍵轉換!(需要儲存空間讀寫權限)5.全新設計,自動翻譯,文字翻譯智能存入翻譯歷史,便於隨時翻看!6.夜間效果 保護視力! 7.下載之後無需聯網即可使用!8.無需任何無關權限,杜絕流氓軟體!
唐詩大全 2.0.0
Tang Daquan is a more complete than Tang Poems Tang Dynastypoetryworks, works co-opt the Tang Dynasty poet, more than 1600,morethan 2000 poems.
Learn Chinese Alphabet / Chine 2.0.19
Learn Chinese Alphabet / Chinese Hanzi Letters handwriting withAIpowered app
Chinese Dictionary | Xinhua Di 1.0.13
hhll tools
A software that supports Chinese character queries
How to write Chinese Word 2.5
Learn to write Chinese word with Chinese Character StrokeOrder,handwriting
Cdian - Chinese Dictionary 1.7
Richard L
An English-Chinese dictionary that presents clear, concise,andquick results.
Pinyin Chart by Pin Pin 1.6.0
Build your foundation in Mandarin Chinese with pinyin!Byfirstlearning the sounds of Mandarin, your speaking andlisteningskillswill grow at an accelerated pace. Learn pinyin bysteppingthroughsmall, easily-digestable sections of similar/relatedsounds.Stepthrough each section and master every sound inthelanguage!Reference the full pinyin chart to visualize and listentothesounds of Mandarin. Or, flip to the list view to quickly lookupasound and hear its pronunciation. Put your skills to thetestandwin trophies with over 100 pinyin sound and tone questions!
史记·汉书 - 交互式注释读懂典籍 1.0.6
读书时注释和古文不好对应?“读典籍”阅读器充分利用手机/平板方便的交互方式,让阅读典籍变得更简单!受排版限制并未包括所有史记和汉书篇章(如表等),但包括了绝大多数文本篇章。如果您有改进意见,欢迎与作者联系。特别欢迎以下话题:* 添加史记、汉书以外的其它书籍的建议* 澄清当代注释的版权* 帮助校对文本或更准确的文本来源更多书籍请访问