
Коран на русском языке 3.9.3
Коран на русском языке- Читайте Священный Коран по-арабски вместе с русскимпереводом.- Одним кликом продолжите чтение с последнего стиха, на которым Выостановились!- (НОВОЕ) Уведомления Молитва: подписаться на уведомления о вашихместного времени молитвы. Авто-настройка доступна.- Установки секции легко настроить приложение.- Сделайте слайд слева направо для чтения предыдущей главы.Сделайте слайд справа налево для чтения следующей главы.- Новый дизайн с панелью ActionBar!- Копируйте аяты в буфер обмена.- Можно воспроизводить аудиозапись любого аята с того места, где Выостановились.- Проматривайте суры, Хизб\' или аяты.- Улучшенный поиск: Вы можете искать по всему Корану или ограничитьпоиск по одному Джузу или суре.- Нажав на аят и удерживая его, Вы можете добавить его в избранное,поделиться им в различных приложениях или добавитькомментарий.- Каждая сура начитана Abdullah Basfar.- Audio Manager легко загружать и удалять декламации.- Примечания: читать все ваши заметки сразу.Функциональные возможности профессиональной версии (Коран нарусском языке PRO)* Для более удобного чтения Вы можете выбрать одно из трехоформлений: стандартное, в зеленом цвете или в черно-беломварианте.* Читайте Коран в горизонтальном или вертикальном формате* Поиск выдает все совпадения.* Нет ограничения по числу добавлений в избранное.* Без рекламы.* Более быстрая работы.* Скачать все декламации одним щелчком мыши.Quran in Russian- Read the Holy Quran in Arabic with Russian translation.- One click to continue reading the last verse, where you leftoff!- (NEW) Prayer alert: Notify your local time prayers. Auto-tuningis available.- Settings section of the app is easy to set up.- Make a slide from left to right to read the last chapter. Make aslide from right to left to read the next chapter.- New design panel ActionBar!- Copy verses to the clipboard.- You can play back an audio recording of any verse from the placewhere you left off.- Viewed, sura, Hizb \ 'or verses.- Improved search: You can search the entire Koran, or limit thesearch to one or Gus Sura.- Pressing and holding the verse, you can add it to your favorites,share them in different applications or add a comment.- Each surah nachitana Abdullah Basfar.- Audio Manager is easy to load and remove the recitation.- Notes: read all your notes at once.The functionality of the professional version (the Koran inRussian PRO)* For a more comfortable reading, you can choose one of threedesign: standard, in green or black and white.* Read the Quran in a horizontal or vertical format* Search gives all matches.* There is no limit on the number of additions to thefavorites.* No advertising.* Faster performance.* Download all the recitation with one click.
Biblia românească Cornilescu 3.7.3
Biblia românească Cornilescu- Acces facil la versetele: Testamente, Cărți și Capitole.- Planuri de lectură: planuri de lectură multiple pentru citireaBibliei în 30, 45, 60, 90, 180 sau 365 de zile. (Free/PRO)- Continuați lectură de la ultimul verset este citit cu un singurclick!- Widget pe desktop: versuri aleatoare fiecare oră.- Setarea secțiune pentru a configura cu ușurință aplicația.- Trageți de la stânga la dreapta pentru a merge lacapitolul/planului anterior și de la dreapta la stânga pentru amerge la următorul capitol/planului.- Design cu ActionBar. Special concepute pentru tablete.- Copiere versetele în clipboard.- Nou Icon Pack (reînnoit).- Navigare Capitolul ușor.- Bookmark versete.- Gestionarea centralizată a marcajelor.- Ponderea în social media și aplicații de mesagerie.- Caută într-un capitol, o carte, un testament sau în toatăBiblia.- Versetul aleatorie pe pagina de start.- Modificarea dimensiunii fontului pentru o citireconfortabilă.Caracteristici speciale ale versiunii "Biblia româneascăPRO":- Citește Biblia în peisaj / mod orizontal sau vertical.- Toate planuri de lectură activat.- Trei moduri de contrast pentru o citire ușoară: timpul zilei,noapte și aur.- Citiți Biblia în modul portret sau peisaj.- Nu există anunțuri.- Viteza îmbunătățităRomanian Bible Version- Easy access to verses: Wills, Books and Chapters.- Reading Plans: Multiple reading plans reading the Bible in 30,45, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days. (Free / PRO)- Continue reading the last verse is read with a singleclick!- Desktop Widget: random lyrics hourly.- Setting section to easily configure the application.- Drag left to right to go to the chapter / previous plan and fromright to left to go to the next chapter / plan.- Design with ActionBar. Specially designed for tablets.- Copy to clipboard verses.- New Icon Pack (renewed).- Chapter easy navigation.- Bookmark verses.- Centralized management of bookmarks.- Share in social media and messaging applications.- Find a chapter in a book, a testament or the whole Bible.- Random Verse on the home page.- Change the font size for comfortable reading.Special features of version "Bible Romanian PRO":- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontally or vertically.- All active reading plans.- Three Ways contrast for easy reading: daytime, night andgold.- Read the Bible in portrait or landscape mode.- No ads.- Improved speed
Коран на русском языке PRO 3.9.3
Коран на русском языке PRO- Читайте Священный Коран по-арабски вместе с русскимпереводом.- Одним кликом продолжите чтение с последнего стиха, на которым Выостановились!- (НОВОЕ) Уведомления Молитва: подписаться на уведомления о вашихместного времени молитвы. Авто-настройка доступна.- Установки секции легко настроить приложение.- Сделайте слайд слева направо для чтения предыдущей главы.Сделайте слайд справа налево для чтения следующей главы.- Новый дизайн с панелью ActionBar!- Копируйте аяты в буфер обмена.- Можно воспроизводить аудиозапись любого аята с того места, где Выостановились.- Проматривайте суры, Хизб' или аяты.- Улучшенный поиск: Вы можете искать по всему Корану или ограничитьпоиск по одному Джузу или суре.- Нажав на аят и удерживая его, Вы можете добавить его в избранное,поделиться им в различных приложениях или добавитькомментарий.- Каждая сура начитана Abdullah Basfar.- Audio Manager легко загружать и удалять декламации.- Примечания: читать все ваши заметки сразу.Дополнительные возможности полной версии (Коран на русском языкеPRO)* Для более удобного чтения Вы можете выбрать одно из трехоформлений: стандартное, в зеленом цвете или в черно-беломварианте.* Читайте Коран в горизонтальном или вертикальном формате* Поиск выдает все совпадения.* Нет ограничения по числу добавлений в избранное.* Без рекламы.* Более быстрая работы.* Скачать все декламации одним щелчком мыши.Quran in Russian PRO- Read the Holy Quran in Arabic with Russian translation.- One click to continue reading the last verse, where you leftoff!- (NEW) Prayer alert: Notify your local time prayers. Auto-tuningis available.- Settings section of the app is easy to set up.- Make a slide from left to right to read the last chapter. Make aslide from right to left to read the next chapter.- New design panel ActionBar!- Copy verses to the clipboard.- You can play back an audio recording of any verse from the placewhere you left off.- Viewed, sura, Hizb 'or verses.- Improved search: You can search the entire Koran, or limit thesearch to one or Gus Sura.- Pressing and holding the verse, you can add it to your favorites,share them in different applications or add a comment.- Each surah nachitana Abdullah Basfar.- Audio Manager is easy to load and remove the recitation.- Notes: read all your notes at once.Additional features of the full version (in Russian QuranPRO)* For a more comfortable reading, you can choose one of threedesign: standard, in green or black and white.* Read the Quran in a horizontal or vertical format* Search gives all matches.* There is no limit on the number of additions to thefavorites.* No advertising.* Faster performance.* Download all the recitation with one click.
القرآن الكريم PRO 3.8.2
القرآن الكريم PRO- Read the Quran in arabic language in portrait or landscapemodes.- Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Prayer reminders: subscribe to notifications of your localprayer times. Auto-setup available.- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to go to the previous surah or fromright to left to go to the next surah.- For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.- Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat.- Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the wholeQuran, in a Juz or in any sura.- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it onsocial media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside eachsurah.- Audio Manager to easily download and delete therecitations.- Note section: read all your notes at once.Functionality of the professional version (القرآن الكريمPRO)* For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.* The search returns all matches.* Unlimited favorites.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.
Corano 3.9.2
Corano in italiano- Leggere il Corano in lingua italiana.- Continua a leggere dall'ultimo ayat letto con un soloclick!- (NUOVO) Promemoria di preghiera: Iscriviti alle notifiche deivostri momenti di preghiera locali. Auto-setup disponibili.- Sezione Impostazioni per configurare facilmentel'applicazione.- Trascinare da sinistra a destra per andare al sura precedente eda destra a sinistra per andare al prossimo sura.- Nuovo design con ActionBar!- Copia ayat nella clipboard.- Riprendere la riproduzione audio da qualsiasi ayat.- Sfoglia sure, Ajiza 'e ayat.- Ricerca cliccando sull'icona di ricerca. È possibile cercare intutto il Corano, in un Juz o in qualsiasi sura.- Un click lungo su un verso lo aggiungi ai preferiti, condivideresui social media o applicazioni di messaggistica, o allegare adesso note.- Ascoltare la recitazione arabo (Abdullah Basfar) all'interno diogni sura.- Audio Manager per scaricare e eliminare le recitazionifacilmente.- Sezione Nota: leggere tutte le note in una sola volta.Funzionalità della versione professionale (Corano PRO)* Per una lettura confortevole, scegliere tra tre modalità dicontrasto: predefinito, verde o bianco e nero.* Leggere il Corano in modalità orizzontale o verticale.* La ricerca restituisce tutte le partite.* Preferiti illimitate.* Nessun annuncio.* Migliorata la velocità.* Scarica tutti recitazioni con un solo clic.Koran in Italian- Read the Koran in Italian.- Read the last ayat bed with a single click!- (NEW) Prayer Reminder: Subscribe to notifications of your momentsof prayer rooms. Auto-setup available.- Section settings to easily configure the application.- Drag from left to right to go to the previous measure and fromright to left to go to the next sura.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy to clipboard ayat.- Resume play audio from any ayat.- Browse sure, Ajiza 'and ayat.- Search by clicking the search icon. You can search all over theQuran, in a Juz or in any sura.- A long-click on a bookmark to it, or share on social mediamessaging applications, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the recitation Arab (Abdullah Basfar) within eachsura.- Audio Manager to download and eliminate recitations easily.- Section Note: read all the notes at once.Functionality of the professional version (Quran PRO)* For a comfortable reading, choose from three contrast modes:default, green or black and white.* Read the Quran in landscape or portrait mode.* The search returns all matches.* Favorites limitless.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.
Quran Chinese (中文《古兰经》译释) 3.9.2
Quran Chinese (中文《古兰经》译释)- Read the Quran in chinese (traditional).- Continue reading from the last ayah you have read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Prayer reminders: subscribe to notifications of your localprayer times. Auto-setup available.- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to read the previous surah or drag fromright to left to read the next surah.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.- Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat.- Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the wholeQuran, in a Juz or in any sura.- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it onsocial media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside eachsurah.- Audio Manager to easily download and delete therecitations.- Note section: read all your notes at once.Limitations of the free version* The search function displays the first 50 results.* You can add up to 5 favorites.* Non-intrusive ads.Features of the professional version (Quran Chinese Pro(中文《古兰经》译释))- For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.* The search returns all matches.* Unlimited favorites.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.Quran Chinese (Chinese"Koran" interpretations)- Read the Quran in chinese (traditional).- Continue reading from the last ayah you have read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Prayer reminders: subscribe to notifications of your localprayer times Auto-setup available..- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to read the previous surah or drag fromright to left to read the next surah.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.- Browse suras, Ajiza 'and ayat.- Search by clicking on search icon You can search in the wholeQuran, in a Juz or in any sura..- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it onsocial media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside eachsurah.- Audio Manager to easily download and delete therecitations.- Note section: read all your notes at once.Limitations of the free version* The search function displays the first 50 results.* You can add up to 5 favorites.* Non-intrusive ads.Features of the professional version (Quran Chinese Pro (Chinese"Koran" interpretations))- For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.* The search returns all matches.* Unlimited favorites.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.
Quran Chinese Pro (中文《古兰经》译释) 3.8.2
Quran Chinese Pro (中文《古兰经》译释)- Read the Quran in chinese (traditional) in portrait orlandscape modes.- Continue reading from the last ayah you have read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Prayer reminders: subscribe to notifications of your localprayer times. Auto-setup available.- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to read the previous surah or drag fromright to left to read the next surah.- For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.- Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat.- Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the wholeQuran, in a Juz or in any sura.- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it onsocial media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside eachsurah.- Audio Manager to easily download and delete therecitations.- Note section: read all your notes at once.Features of the professional version (Quran Chinese Pro(中文《古兰经》译释))* For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.* The search returns all matches.* Unlimited favorites.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.Quran Chinese Pro(Chinese "Koran" interpretations)- Read the Quran in chinese (traditional) in portrait orlandscape modes.- Continue reading from the last ayah you have read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Prayer reminders: subscribe to notifications of your localprayer times Auto-setup available..- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to read the previous surah or drag fromright to left to read the next surah.- For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.- Browse suras, Ajiza 'and ayat.- Search by clicking on search icon You can search in the wholeQuran, in a Juz or in any sura..- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it onsocial media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside eachsurah.- Audio Manager to easily download and delete therecitations.- Note section: read all your notes at once.Features of the professional version (Quran Chinese Pro (Chinese"Koran" interpretations))* For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.* The search returns all matches.* Unlimited favorites.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.
Corano Pro 3.8.2
Corano in italiano- Leggere il Corano in lingua italiana in modalità orizzontale overticale.- Continua a leggere dall'ultimo ayat letto con un soloclick!- (NUOVO) Promemoria di preghiera: Iscriviti alle notifiche deivostri momenti di preghiera locali. Auto-setup disponibili.- Sezione Impostazioni per configurare facilmentel'applicazione.- Trascinare da sinistra a destra per andare al sura precedente eda destra a sinistra per andare al prossimo sura.- Per una lettura confortevole, scegliere tra tre modalità dicontrasto: predefinito, verde o bianco e nero.- Nuovo design con ActionBar!- Copia ayat nella clipboard.- Riprendere la riproduzione audio da qualsiasi ayat.- Sfoglia sure, Ajiza 'e ayat.- Ricerca cliccando sull'icona di ricerca. È possibile cercare intutto il Corano, in un Juz o in qualsiasi sura.- Un click lungo su un verso lo aggiungi ai preferiti, condivideresui social media o applicazioni di messaggistica, o allegare adesso note.- Ascoltare la recitazione arabo (Abdullah Basfar) all'interno diogni sura.- Audio Manager per scaricare e eliminare le recitazionifacilmente.- Sezione Nota: leggere tutte le note in una sola volta.Funzionalità della versione professionale (Corano PRO)* Per una lettura confortevole, scegliere tra tre modalità dicontrasto: predefinito, verde o bianco e nero.* Leggere il Corano in modalità orizzontale o verticale.* La ricerca restituisce tutte le partite.* Preferiti illimitate.* Nessun annuncio.* Migliorata la velocità.* Scarica tutti recitazioni con un solo clic.Koran in Italian- Read the Koran in Italian in landscape or portrait mode.- Read the last ayat bed with a single click!- (NEW) Prayer Reminder: Subscribe to notifications of your momentsof prayer rooms. Auto-setup available.- Section settings to easily configure the application.- Drag from left to right to go to the previous measure and fromright to left to go to the next sura.- For a comfortable reading, choose from three contrast modes:default, green or black and white.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy to clipboard ayat.- Resume play audio from any ayat.- Browse sure, Ajiza 'and ayat.- Search by clicking the search icon. You can search all over theQuran, in a Juz or in any sura.- A long-click on a bookmark to it, or share on social mediamessaging applications, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the recitation Arab (Abdullah Basfar) within eachsura.- Audio Manager to download and eliminate recitations easily.- Section Note: read all the notes at once.Functionality of the professional version (Quran PRO)* For a comfortable reading, choose from three contrast modes:default, green or black and white.* Read the Quran in landscape or portrait mode.* The search returns all matches.* Favorites limitless.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.
القرآن الكريم LITE 3.9.2
القرآن الكريم LITE- Read the Quran in arabic language.- Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Prayer reminders: subscribe to notifications of your localprayer times. Auto-setup available.- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to go to the previous surah or fromright to left to go to the next surah.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.- Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat.- Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the wholeQuran, in a Juz or in any sura.- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it onsocial media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside eachsurah.- Audio Manager to easily download and delete therecitations.- Note section: read all your notes at once.Limitations of the free version* The search function displays the first 50 results.* You can add up to 5 favorites.* Non-intrusive ads.* Download recitations one by one.Functionality of the professional version (القرآن الكريمPRO)* For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes: default, green or black & white.* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.* The search returns all matches.* Unlimited favorites.* No ads.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with a single click.
Corán en español 3.9.2
Corán en español- Lea el Sagrado Corán en árabe junto a su traducción alespañol- Continue la lectura desde el último ayat que haya leído con unsólo click!- (NUEVO) Recordatorios de Salat: suscríbase a las notificacionesde sus tiempos de rezo locales. Auto-configuracióndisponible.- Sección de ajustes, para configurar fácilmente laaplicación.- Arrastre de izquierda a derecha para ir a la sura anterior y dederecha a izquierda para ir a la sura siguiente.- Nuevo diseño con ActionBar!- Copie ayat al portapapeles.- Reanude la reproducción de audio desde cualquier ayat.- Visualice suras, la Ajiza' o ayats.- Búsqueda avanzada: puede buscar dentro de todo el Corán orestringir la búsqueda a un Juz o a una sura.- Un click largo sobre un verso le permitirá agregarlo a favoritos,compartirlo en aplicaciones o añadir anotaciones.- Escuche la recitación de Abdullah Basfar en cada sura.- Gestor de Audio para descargar y eliminar fácilmente lasrecitaciones.- Sección Notas: lea todas sus anotaciones a la vez.Funcionalidad de la versión profesional (Corán en españolPRO)* Para una lectura cómoda, elija entre tres modos de contraste:estandar, verde o blanco y negro.* Lea el Corán en formato apaisado o vertical* La búsqueda retorna todas las coincidencias.* No hay límite de favoritos.* Sin publicidad.* Velocidad mejorada.* Descargue todas las recitaciones con un solo click.Quran in Spanish- Read the Holy Quran in Arabic with translation intoSpanish- Continue reading since last ayat who has read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Salat Reminder: subscribe to notices of their local prayertimes. Auto-configuration available.- Section settings to easily configure the application.- Drag from left to right to go to previous sura and from right toleft to go to the next sura.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy to clipboard ayat.- Resume playing audio from any ayat.- View suras, the Ajiza 'or ayats.- Advanced search: You can search within the entire Quran orrestrict the search to a Juz or a chapter.- A long click on a line will allow you to add to favorites, shareapplications or add annotations.- Listen to the recitation of Abdullah Basfar in each sura.- Audio Manager to download and easily remove therecitations.- Section Notes: read all entries at once.Functionality of the professional version (Koran in SpanishPRO)* For easy reading, choose from three contrast modes: standard,green or white and black.* Read the Quran in landscape or portrait format* The search returns all matches.* No limit favorites.* No advertising.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with one click.
Korean Bible 3.7.3
The Holy Bible in Korean Language (King JamesVersion)- Browse Testaments, Books, Chapters or Verses.- Reading plans: several reading plans to read the Bible in 30, 45,60, 90, 180 or 365 days. (Some plans are only available in PROversion).- Resume reading from last read verse with a single click!- (New) Desktop Widget: read random verses every hour.- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to go to the previous chapter or fromright to left to go to the next chapter.- New design with ActionBar! Special layout for tablets.- Copy verses into the clipboard- New IconPack- Contextual search for terms: clicking the search icon you cansearch within whole Bible, a Testament, a Book or even aChapter.- A long press over a verse will addc it to favourites or let youshare it on social media and messaging apps.- Browse your favourite verses. You can delete each one of themmaking a long press.- Set the font size: for a comfortable read.Special features available only in "Korean Bible PRO":- All plans are available- Choose between three different contrast modes (day, night,sepia)- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontal or vertical mode.- No ads.- Improved speed
Biblia românească PRO 3.7
Biblia românească Cornilescu- Acces facil la versetele: Testamente, Cărți și Capitole.- Citește Biblia în peisaj / mod orizontal sau vertical.- Planuri de lectură: planuri de lectură multiple pentru citireaBibliei în 30, 45, 60, 90, 180 sau 365 de zile.- Continuați lectură de la ultimul verset este citit cu un singurclick!- Widget pe desktop: versuri aleatoare fiecare oră.- Setarea secțiune pentru a configura cu ușurință aplicația.- Trageți de la stânga la dreapta pentru a merge lacapitolul/planului anterior și de la dreapta la stânga pentru amerge la următorul capitol/planului.- Trei moduri de contrast pentru o citire ușoară: timpul zilei,noapte și aur.- Design cu ActionBar. Special concepute pentru tablete.- Copiere versetele în clipboard.- Nou Icon Pack (reînnoit).- Navigare Capitolul ușor.- Bookmark versete.- Gestionarea centralizată a marcajelor.- Ponderea în social media și aplicații de mesagerie.- Caută într-un capitol, o carte, un testament sau în toatăBiblia.- Versetul aleatorie pe pagina de start.- Modificarea dimensiunii fontului pentru o citireconfortabilă.Caracteristici speciale ale versiunii "Biblia româneascăPRO":- Citește Biblia în peisaj / mod orizontal sau vertical.- Toate planuri de lectură activat.- Trei moduri de contrast pentru o citire ușoară: timpul zilei,noapte și aur.- Citiți Biblia în modul portret sau peisaj.- Nu există anunțuri.- Viteza îmbunătățităRomanian Bible Version- Easy access to verses: Wills, Books and Chapters.- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontally or vertically.- Reading Plans: Multiple reading plans reading the Bible in 30,45, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days.- Continue reading the last verse is read with a singleclick!- Desktop Widget: random lyrics hourly.- Setting section to easily configure the application.- Drag left to right to go to the chapter / previous plan and fromright to left to go to the next chapter / plan.- Three Ways contrast for easy reading: daytime, night andgold.- Design with ActionBar. Specially designed for tablets.- Copy to clipboard verses.- New Icon Pack (renewed).- Chapter easy navigation.- Bookmark verses.- Centralized management of bookmarks.- Share in social media and messaging applications.- Find a chapter in a book, a testament or the whole Bible.- Random Verse on the home page.- Change the font size for comfortable reading.Special features of version "Bible Romanian PRO":- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontally or vertically.- All active reading plans.- Three Ways contrast for easy reading: daytime, night andgold.- Read the Bible in portrait or landscape mode.- No ads.- Improved speed
Corán en español PRO 3.8.2
Corán en español PRO- Lea el Sagrado Corán en árabe junto a su traducción alespañol, en formato apaisado o vertical.- Continue la lectura desde el último ayat que haya leído con unsólo click!- (NUEVO) Recordatorios de Salat: suscríbase a las notificacionesde sus tiempos de rezo locales. Auto-configuracióndisponible.- Sección de ajustes, para configurar fácilmente laaplicación.- Arrastre de izquierda a derecha para ir a la sura anterior y dederecha a izquierda para ir a la sura siguiente.- Para una lectura cómoda, elija entre tres modos de contraste:estandar, verde o blanco y negro.- Nuevo diseño con ActionBar!- Copie ayat al portapapeles.- Reanude la reproducción de audio desde cualquier ayat.- Visualice suras, la Ajiza' o ayats.- Búsqueda avanzada: puede buscar dentro de todo el Corán orestringir la búsqueda a un Juz o a una sura.- Un click largo sobre un verso le permitirá agregarlo a favoritos,compartirlo en aplicaciones o añadir anotaciones.- Escuche la recitación de Abdullah Basfar en cada sura.- Gestor de Audio para descargar y eliminar fácilmente lasrecitaciones.- Sección Notas: lea todas sus anotaciones a la vez.Funcionalidad extra de esta versión profesional (Corán enespañol PRO)* Para una lectura cómoda, elija entre tres modos de contraste:estandar, verde o blanco y negro.* Lea el Corán en formato apaisado o vertical* La búsqueda retorna todas las coincidencias.* No hay límite de favoritos.* Sin publicidad.* Velocidad mejorada.* Descargue todas las recitaciones con un solo click.Quran in Spanish PRO- Read the Holy Quran in Arabic with translation into Spanish,in portrait or landscape format.- Continue reading since last ayat who has read with a singleclick!- (NEW) Salat Reminder: subscribe to notices of their local prayertimes. Auto-configuration available.- Section settings to easily configure the application.- Drag from left to right to go to previous sura and from right toleft to go to the next sura.- For ease of reading, choose from three contrast modes: standard,green or white and black.- New design with ActionBar!- Copy to clipboard ayat.- Resume playing audio from any ayat.- View suras, the Ajiza 'or ayats.- Advanced search: You can search within the entire Quran orrestrict the search to a Juz or a chapter.- A long click on a line will allow you to add to favorites, shareapplications or add annotations.- Listen to the recitation of Abdullah Basfar in each sura.- Audio Manager to download and easily remove therecitations.- Section Notes: read all entries at once.Extra functionality of the professional version (Koran inSpanish PRO)* For easy reading, choose from three contrast modes: standard,green or white and black.* Read the Quran in landscape or portrait format* The search returns all matches.* No limit favorites.* No advertising.* Improved speed.* Download all recitations with one click.
Korean Bible PRO 3.7
The Holy Bible in Korean Language (King JamesVersion)- Browse Testaments, Books, Chapters or Verses.- Reading plans: several reading plans to read the Bible in 30, 45,60, 90, 180 or 365 days. (Some plans are only available in PROversion).- Resume reading from last read verse with a single click!- (New) Desktop Widget: read random verses every hour.- Settings section to easily configure the app.- Swipe from left to right to go to the previous chapter or fromright to left to go to the next chapter.- For a comfortable reading, choose between three differentcontrast modes (day, night, sepia)- New design with ActionBar! Special layout for tablets.- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontal or vertical mode.- Copy verses into the clipboard- New IconPack- Contextual search for terms: clicking the search icon you cansearch within whole Bible, a Testament, a Book or even aChapter.- A long press over a verse will addc it to favourites or let youshare it on social media and messaging apps.- Browse your favourite verses. You can delete each one of themmaking a long press.- Set the font size: for a comfortable read.Special features in "Korean Bible PRO":- All plans are available- Choose between three different contrast modes (day, night,sepia)- Read the Bible in landscape / horizontal or vertical mode.- No ads.- Improved speed
El Tiempo en España 1.7g
El Tiempo / El Temps / O TempoLa predicción meteorológica de AEMET (Agencia EstataldeMetereología), en tu dispositivo Android.Consulta el tiempo en más de 8000 municipios y casi 600 playasdetoda España.Gestiona tus favoritos, para un acceso más rápido a lapredicciónde municipios y playas de consulta habitual.Todos los datos de la predicción meteorológica pertenecen yhansido elaborados por AEMET: "Información elaborada por laAgenciaEstatal de Meteorología. Ministerio de Agricultura,Alimentación yMedio Ambiente".Disponible en español, galego y català. Si detecta algúnerror,por favor comuníquelo y se arreglará a la mayor brevedad.COMPROMISO DEL AUTOR:- Responder TODOS los correos electrónicos que recibaconsugerencias/posibles mejoras de la aplicación.- Mantener el peso de la aplicación lo más bajo posibleparafacilitar su descarga.Weather / El Temps /OTempoThe weather prediction AEMET (State Meteorological Agency),onyour Android device.Check the weather in more than 8000 municipalities and nearly600beaches in Spain.Manage your bookmarks, for a faster prediction of townsandbeaches of regular consultation access.All data belong and weather forecasting have been developedbyAEMET: "Information prepared by the State MeteorologicalAgencyMinistry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.".Available in Spanish, Catalan and Galician. If it detectsanerror, please communicate it and fix it as soon as possible.COMMITMENT OF THE AUTHOR:- Answer all e-mails received with suggestions /improvementspossible application.- Keep the weight of the application as low as possible foreasydownloading.
99 Names of Allah 1.2
99 Names of Allah (recitationincluded,offline)Read and listen to the Most Beautiful Names, The 99 Names ofGod.Al-Asmā' al-Husnà (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى‎ ʾasmāʾallāhal-ḥusnā), are the Names of God (specifically, attributes) bywhichMuslims regard God and which are described in the Qur'an,andSunnah, amongst other places. There is, according to hadith,aspecial group of 99 names but no enumeration of them.Listen to the recitation of the 99 names in different playmodes:continuous play, play all names once, play one name.