Kastari Sentra Media. PT Apps

Learning Salat Belajar
This Learning Salat App is about a FilmAnimation to learn the obligatory Salat. It is easy to understand,appropriate for your children and it makes your children be easierto memorize what they have to say during their worship.It is hope that this learning salat app will be useful foryou.* This free application contains ads
Mengenal Suara Hewan 1.0.0
Game ini dibuat untuk mengenalkan suara binatang kepada anak-anakmulai dari binatang ternak, binatang buas, mamalia, dan masihbanyak lagi.Cara memainkan:Pilih binatang yang kamu inginkan lalu pilih menu yang tersediaFitur:- 27 suara binatang- Pelafalan per huruf dan per kata* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklanThis gameis designed to introduce animal sounds to children ranging fromlivestock, wild animals, mammals, and much more.How to play:Choose an animal that you want and select menu availableFeatures:- 27 animal sounds- Recitation by letter and by word* This free application contains ads
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol 3 Bernyanyi
"Diva dan Pupus" akan mengajak buah hati andauntuk bernyanyi lagu nasional Indonesia.isi aplikasi ini ada dua lagu: Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke dan HariMerdeka.Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk membantu orang tua untukmemperkenalkan lagu nasional Indonesia dengan mudah.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklan
My clothes - Lets sing a song Video
Learn English by using the song, very fun andvery educational for your child* This free application contains ads
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol.1 Bernyanyi
Singing with Diva Vol.1This application helps children develop color knowledge andcount the number by songs.Goals of this application is to help parents to introduce easilyvarious color and number for kids, also motivate them to enjoy therhythm, word, color and sounds used while singing, dancing, talkingor clapping.Feature:- 2 different song- Simple and easy-to-use navigational buttons- Interactive animation* This free application contains ads
Learning Salat – With Diva KSM-Diva
This application helps the children know theways to do salat.The objective of this application is to help parents introducesalat to children.Features:- 2 films- It is simple and easy to use the navigation buttons- Interactive Animation* This free application contains ads
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol 4 Bernyanyi
"Diva dan Pupus" akan mengajak buah hati andauntuk bernyanyi lagu nasional Indonesia.isi aplikasi ini ada dua lagu:- Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa- Garuda Pancasila.Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk membantu orang tua untukmemperkenalkan lagu nasional Indonesia dengan mudah.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklan
Dongeng - Kisah Pak Doblang 1.1
Character education fairytale doblang pack isan interactive e-book for kids. It tells the story of a baker whoends up being stingy and do good and do not be stingy again.everyone equally.This app is designed for children, with high quality graphics andprofessional narration by a child, to add to the enjoyment.This book is a source of character education and entertainment forchildren.It is a children's story book with high quality graphics and audiorecorded by professional studio to give perfection. Download nowand see for yourself ..!You can give your Android device to your kids and they canthemselves read the entire story. It keeps them busy!features:- FREE!- Children can choose to read our narrator, or can be read on theirown to turn off our narrator.- Navigation is simple and easy for the kids simply just move tothe right and to the left- 28 pages.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklanWe have several Android apps: Please visit http://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video Here: www.youtube.com / kastarisentraour facebook = https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref=ts
Dongeng Mumu ikan Munjahir 1.1
Dongeng pendidikan karekater Mumu ikan mujahirkecil adalah e-book interaktif untuk anak-anak.kisah ini menceritakan seorang ikan kecil yang bibirnya tebal danwarnanya kusam tapi ikan inipintar. teman-tamanya mencibir dan menjahui dari dia.... ikuticerita selengkapnya segera download GRATISAplikasi ini dirancang untuk anak-anak, dengan grafisberkualitas tinggi dan profesional dengan narasi seorang anak,untuk menambah kenikmatan.Buku ini merupakan sumber pendidikankarakter dan hiburan bagi anak-anak.Ini adalah buku cerita anak-anak dengan grafis berkualitas tinggidan audio yang direkam oleh studio profesional untuk memberikankesempurnaan. Download sekarang dan melihat sendiri ..!Anda dapat memberikan perangkat Android Anda untuk anak-anak Andadan mereka dapat sendiri membaca seluruh cerita. Ini membuat merekasibuk!Fitur:- GRATIS!- Anak-anak bisa memilih mau dibacakan narator kami, atau bisamembaca sendiri dengan mematikan fungsi narator kami.- Navigasi yang sederhana dan mudah untuk anak-anak hanya tinggalmenggeser ke kanan dan ke kiri- 18 halaman.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklanKami punya beberapa aplikasi Android : Silahkan kunjungihttp://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video sini: www.youtube.com/kastarisentrafacebook kami di = https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref=tsMumu karekater educationfairytale mujahir small fish are interactive e-book forchildren.It tells the story of a little fish thick lips and the color isdull but this fishsmart. pout of her first friends and menjahui of him .... followthe full story immediately download FREEThis application is designed for children, with high qualitygraphics and professional with the narrative of a child, to add asource kenikmatan.Buku character education and entertainment forchildren.This is a book of children's stories with high quality graphics andaudio recorded by professional studio to give perfection. Downloadnow and see for yourself ..!You can give your Android device to your kids and they canthemselves read the entire story. It keeps them busy!Features:- FREE!- Children can choose to read to our narrator, or be able to readtheir own by turning off our narrator function.- Navigation is simple and easy for children only stay shift to theright and to the left- 18 pages.* This free application contains adsWe got some Android applications: Please visit http://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video Here: www.youtube.com/kastarisentraour facebook = https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref=ts
Learning Prayer – With Diva KSM
This application helps your children memorizethe prayer.Children world is a world that is full of color, imagination andcheerfulness. The cleanliness in their heart and think will helpthem in speeding their learning process up.The development of learning by playing concept will help thedevelopment of the brain and children imagination capacity.Diva and Pupus will ask your children to know the daily prayerquickly.Diva and Pupus will introduce:- The prayer to enter and leave the bathroom- The prayer to enter and leave the houseFeatures:- 2 films- It is simple and easy to use the navigation buttons- Interactive Animation* This free application contains ads
Singing with Diva Vol.7 Bernyanyi
Singing with Diva Vol.1This application helps children develop color knowledge.Goals of this application is to help parents to introduce easilyvarious color and number for kids, also motivate them to enjoy therhythm, word, color and sounds used while singing, dancing, talkingor clapping.Feature:- 2 different song- Simple and easy-to-use navigational buttons- Interactive animation* This free application contains ads
Dongeng Pangeran Budiman 1.2
Dongeng pendidikan karekater Kisah PangeranBudiman adalah e-book interaktif.Cerita ini mengisahkan tentang seorang pangeran yang baik hati.Suatu ketika, dia jatuh sakit. Banyak tabib yang didatangkan,tetapi kesehatannya tidak kunjung membaik. kemudian pangeranmengungkapkan keinginannya untuk berkeliling pelosok negeri danraja pun mengabulkan permintaan itu. Hari terus berganti danpangeran selalu berbuat baik pada semua orang yang ditemuinya dalamperjalanan tersebut. Akhirnya, pangeran sembuh dan sehat berkat doadari orang-orang yang telah ditolongnya.Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk anak-anak, dengan grafisberkualitas tinggi dan profesional dengan narasi seorang anak,untuk menambah kenikmatan.Buku ini merupakan sumber pendidikankarakter dan hiburan bagi anak-anak.Ini adalah buku cerita anak-anak dengan grafis berkualitas tinggidan audio yang direkam oleh studio profesional untuk memberikankesempurnaan. Download sekarang dan melihat sendiri ..!Anda dapat memberikan perangkat Android Anda untuk anak Anda danmereka dapat membaca atau mendengarkan seluruh cerita. Ini akanmembuat mereka sibuk!Fitur:- GRATIS!- Anak-anak bisa memilih mau dibacakan narator kami, atau bisamembaca sendiri dengan mematikan fungsi narator kami.- Navigasi yang sederhana dan mudah untuk anak-anak hanya tinggalmenggeser ke kanan dan ke kiri- 25 halaman.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklanKami punya beberapa aplikasi Android : Silahkan kunjungihttp://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video sini : www.youtube.com/kastarisentrafacebook kami di : https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref=tsKarekater education fairytale story of Prince Budiman is the interactive e-book.This story tells of a prince who kindly. Once, he fell ill. Manyphysicians were brought in, but his health did not improve. thenthe prince expressed his desire to get around the corners of thecountry and the king granted the request. Day continues to changeand the prince always do good to everyone he met on the trip.Finally, the prince recovered and healthy thanks to the prayers ofthose who already was helping.This application is designed for children, with high qualitygraphics and professional with the narrative of a child, to add asource kenikmatan.Buku character education and entertainment forchildren.This is a book of children's stories with high quality graphics andaudio recorded by professional studio to give perfection. Downloadnow and see for yourself ..!You can give your Android device to your children and they canread or listen to the entire story. It will keep them busy!Features:- FREE!- Children can choose to read to our narrator, or be able to readtheir own by turning off our narrator function.- Navigation is simple and easy for children only stay shift to theright and to the left- 25 pages.* This free application contains adsWe got some Android applications: Please visit http://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video Here: www.youtube.com/kastarisentraOur facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref = ts
Dongeng Rakyat Malin Kundang 0.1
Dongeng Cerita Rakyat Malin Kundang Ini adalahDongeng Cerita rakyat dari Sumatera Barat. ini menceritakan KisahMalin Kundang si anak durhaka yang tidak mengakui ibunya yangdikutuk menjadi batu.app ebook digital ini di rancang untuk anak - anak dengan grafisberkualitas tinggi dan audio yang direkam oleh studio profesionaluntuk memberikan kesempurnaan.Download sekarang dan melihat sendiri ..!Anda dapat memberikan perangkat Android Anda untuk anak Anda danmereka dapat membaca atau mendengarkan seluruh cerita. Ini akanmembuat mereka sibuk!Fitur:- GRATIS!- Anak-anak bisa memilih mau dibacakan narator kami, atau bisamembaca sendiri dengan mematikan fungsi narator kami.- Navigasi yang sederhana dan mudah untuk anak-anak hanya tinggalmenggeser ke kanan dan ke kiri- 30 halaman.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklanSilahkan Kunjungi :Watch Video sini : www.youtube.com/kastarisentrafacebook kami di : https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref=tsFolklore Tales MalinKundang This is a fairy tale folklore of West Sumatra. It tells thestory of the prodigal son Malin Kundang who does not recognize hismother who was cursed to stone.digital ebook app is designed for children - children with highquality graphics and audio recorded by professional studio to giveperfection.Download now and see for yourself ..!You can give your Android device to your children and they canread or listen to the entire story. It will keep them busy!Features:- FREE!- Children can choose to read to our narrator, or be able to readtheir own by turning off our narrator function.- Navigation is simple and easy for children only stay shift to theright and to the left- 30 pages.* This free application contains adsPlease Visit:Watch Video Here: www.youtube.com/kastarisentraOur facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref = ts
Kutahu Dunia Air v1 1.0.0
Seri pendidkan awal app video “Ku Tahu DuniaAir bersama Ella & Ello versi 1” merupakan seri pendidikan yangdirancang khusus bagi anak-anak usia balita. Bersama Ella, Ello danjuga Kiko si burung pintar, putra putri anda akan dikenalkanbermacam macam nama binatang yang hidup di air.Penyampaian materi yang menarik dengan animasi 2D (kartun) yangbergerak serta warna yang indah akan memudahkan kita dalammengenalkan nama nama hewan kepada buah hati kita.Nama nama binatang air yang akan dikenalkan antara lain :- ikan- bintang laut- kuda lautapp android ini disertai iklan.Early education app videoseries "I Know the World Water together with Ella & Elloversion 1" is an educational series designed specifically forchildren aged under five. Together Ella, Ello and also Kiko smartbird, your son or daughter will introduce a variety of names ofanimals that live in water.Submission of interesting material with 2D animation (cartoon)moving and beautiful colors will allow us to introduce the names ofanimals to our baby.The names of aquatic animals that will be introducedinclude:- fish- starfish- SeahorsesThis android app with ads.
Kutahu Dunia Air v3 1.0.0
Seri pendidkan awal app video “Ku Tahu DuniaAir bersama Ella & Ello versi 3” merupakan seri pendidikan yangdirancang khusus bagi anak-anak usia balita. Bersama Ella, Ello danjuga Kiko si burung pintar, putra putri anda akan dikenalkanbermacam macam nama binatang yang hidup di air.Penyampaian materi yang menarik dengan animasi 2D (kartun) yangbergerak serta warna yang indah akan memudahkan kita dalammengenalkan nama nama hewan kepada buah hati kita.Nama nama binatang air yang akan dikenalkan antara lain :- kepiting- kura kura- kuda nilapp android ini dipasang iklanEarly education app videoseries "I Know the World Water together with Ella & Elloversion 3" is an educational series designed specifically forchildren aged under five. Together Ella, Ello and also Kiko smartbird, your son or daughter will introduce a variety of names ofanimals that live in water.Submission of interesting material with 2D animation (cartoon)moving and beautiful colors will allow us to introduce the names ofanimals to our baby.The names of aquatic animals that will be introducedinclude:- crab- turtle- hippopotamusThis android app is installed ad
Doa Sebelum Belajar - Kastari AnimationOfficialBerdoa merupakan kewajiban setiap umat manusia. Sebelummelakukan aktivitas sebaiknya kita berdoa terlebih dahulu agarpekerjaan yang kita lakukan menjadi lancar. Selain itu, Tuhan YangMaha Esa juga akan senantiasa melindungi kita dari hal-hal burukyang akan terjadi.Kali ini, Diva akan mengajarkan kalian untuk membaca danmenghafal doa sebelum belajar. Diva juga akan menjelaskan arti daridoa tersebut. Dengan membaca doa, kalian akan lebih mudah memahamisetiap pelajaran yang diperoleh baik di sekolah maupun di rumah.Mau tahu bagaimana doa sebelum belajar itu? Ayo download daninstall app androidnya.app ini ada iklannya.Prayer Before Study -Official Animation KastariPraying is the duty of every human being. Before doingactivities we should pray first so that the work we do to besmooth. In addition, the Almighty God will always protect us frombad things will happen.This time, the Diva will teach you to read and memorize prayersbefore learning. Diva will also explain the meaning of the prayer.By reading the prayers, you will more easily understand any lessonslearned both at school and at home. Want to know how prayer beforelearning it? Come download and install the app Android.This app is no advertisement.
Ella&Ello Pakaianku 3 Video
Education Series "I know what I wear with Ellaand Ello "is an educational seriesdesigned for childrenthe toddler age children aged 1-3 years.With Ella, Ello and Kiko the clever bird, fruitour hearts will beintroduced to the names of clothes.Submission of interest with 2D animation and colorof interest willhelp us to introduce the clothes in our baby .This series contains four segments.Names of objects that will beintroduced include:1. Singlets, shirts, Veil2. Shorts, Trousers, Dresses3. Hats, Jackets, Gloves4. Sandals, Shoes, Socks* This free application contains ads
Kutahu Dunia Air v2 1.0.0
Seri pendidkan awal app video “Ku Tahu DuniaAir bersama Ella & Ello versi 2” merupakan seri pendidikan yangdirancang khusus bagi anak-anak usia balita. Bersama Ella, Ello danjuga Kiko si burung pintar, putra putri anda akan dikenalkanbermacam macam nama binatang yang hidup di air.Penyampaian materi yang menarik dengan animasi 2D (kartun) yangbergerak serta warna yang indah akan memudahkan kita dalammengenalkan nama nama hewan kepada buah hati kita.Nama nama binatang air yang akan dikenalkan antara lain :- katak- berang berang- buayaapp android ini terdapat iklanEarly education app videoseries "I Know the World Water together with Ella & Elloversion 2" is an educational series designed specifically forchildren aged under five. Together Ella, Ello and also Kiko smartbird, your son or daughter will introduce a variety of names ofanimals that live in water.Submission of interesting material with 2D animation (cartoon)moving and beautiful colors will allow us to introduce the names ofanimals to our baby.The names of aquatic animals that will be introducedinclude:- frog- Beaver beaver- crocodileThis android app are advertising
Azan dan Iqomah V3 - Kastari AnimationOfficialAzan and Iqomah V3 -Official Animation Kastari
Doa melihat pemandangan bag1 1.0.0
Doa melihat pemandangan indah bagian 1 -Kastari Animation OfficialPrayer see beautifulscenery Part 1 - Official Animation Kastari
Hijaiya Sound Free 1.0.0
Hijaiya Sounds is an application that helpschildren ages pre-school to recognize hijaiyah interactively .Users can recognize shapes while listening to the sound hijaiyahhow to read . Download this app now.To get the complete of Diva sound you need to buy paidversion.Features:- Interactive- Animation and sound Diva dashed- Pronunciation in Latin letters- Graphics interesting and easy to understand navigation- 15 hijaiyah* This application contains adsRate 5 ( five ) star if you like it . Your comments andsuggestions will help us to develop this application.
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol.2 Bernyanyi
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol.2Diva dan Pupus akan mengajak buah hati anda mengenaldanbernyanyi lagu wajib nasional indonesia. isi dalam aplikasiiniterdapat dua lagu: Indonesia raya dan halo-halo bandung.Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk membantu orang tuauntukmemperkenalkan lagu nasional indonesia dengan mudah.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklan
Azan dan Iqomah V2 - KastariAnimationOfficialAzan and Iqomah V2-Animation Kastari Official
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol 5 Bernyanyi
"Diva dan Pupus" akan mengajak buah hatiandauntuk bernyanyi lagu nasional Indonesia.isi aplikasi ini ada dua lagu:- Berkibarlah Benderaku- Maju Tak Gentar.Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk membantu orang tuauntukmemperkenalkan lagu nasional Indonesia dengan mudah.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklan"Diva and Pupus"willencourage your baby to sing the national anthemIndonesia.the contents of this application there are two tracks:- Berkibarlah Benderaku- Maju Tak Trembling.The purpose of this application is to help parents tointroducenational anthem Indonesia with ease.* This free application contains ads
Learning Ablution (Wudhu) KSM
This application helps the children knowtheway to do ablution and its prayer.The objective of this application is to help parents tointroduceIslam.Features:- 2 films- It is simple and easy to use the navigation buttons- Interactive Animation* This free application contains ads
Doa Untuk Orang Tua 1.1.0
Doa Untuk Orang Tua (Full Version) -KastariAnimation OfficialTeman-teman sudah hafal do'a untuk orang tua belum?Kalauteman-teman sayang kepada Ayah dan Bunda, maka teman-temansemuaharus selalu berdo'a untuk mereka. Ayo belajar Do'a UntukOrang Tuabersama Diva Dan Pupus! dengan App android ini semogakalian bisacepet belajar.app ini dipasang iklan.Prayer For Parents(FullVersion) - Official Animation KastariFriends had memorized the prayers for the parents yet? Ifmyfriends dear to Father and Mother, then all my friendsshouldalways pray for them. Come learn Benediction For ParentstogetherDiva And Pupus! with this android app cepet hopefully youcanlearn.This app is installed advertising.
Dongeng pendidikan karekater Mumu ikanmujahirkecil adalah e-book interaktif untuk anak-anak.Cerita ini mengisahkan tentang persahabatan Mumu si ikan mujahirdanTutu si ikan sepat. Mereka sering bermain dan belajar bersama.Mumusering mengajari Tutu membaca, sebaliknya Tutu mengajariMumuberhitung. Mumu sayang Tutu karena dia ikan baik hati dansukatersenyum. Tutu juga sayang Mumu karena dia tidak usil dantidakgampang marah. Hingga pada suatu hari, mereka bertengkar dansalingmelupakan kebaikan masing-masing.ikuti cerita selengkapnya segera download GRATISAplikasi ini dirancang untuk anak-anak, dengangrafisberkualitas, dan direkam oleh studio profesional untukmemberikankesempurnaan. Download sekarang dan melihat sendiri..!Anda dapat memberikan perangkat Android Anda untuk anak-anakAndadan mereka dapat sendiri membaca seluruh cerita. Ini akanmembuatmereka sibuk!Fitur:- GRATIS!- Anak-anak bisa memilih mau dibacakan narator kami, ataubisamembaca sendiri dengan mematikan fungsi narator kami.- Navigasi yang sederhana dan mudah untuk anak-anak hanyatinggalmenggeser ke kanan dan ke kiri- 28 halaman.- ada iklan* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklanKami punya beberapa aplikasi Android : Silahkankunjungihttp://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video sini: www.youtube.com/kastarisentrafacebook kami di=https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref=tsMumu karekatereducationfairytale mujahir small fish are interactive e-bookforchildren.This story tells about the friendship Mumu Tutu fish and thefishmujahir astringent. They often play and learn together. MumuTutuoften taught to read, otherwise Mumu Tutu taught arithmetic.MumuTutu pity because he was good-natured fish and likes to smile.MumuTutu also pity because he was not nosy and not easilyangered.Until one day, they fight each other to forgettheirkindness.follow the story more immediate download FREEThis application is designed for children, with qualitygraphics,and recorded by professional studio to give perfection.Download nowand see for yourself ..!You can give your Android device to your kids and theycanthemselves read the entire story. It will keep them busy!Features:- FREE!- Children can choose to read to our narrator, or be able toreadtheir own by turning off our narrator function.- Navigation is simple and easy for children only stay shift totheright and to the left- 28 pages.- No ads* This free application contains adsWe got some Android applications: Pleasevisithttp://www.kastaristore.comWatch Video Here: www.youtube.com/kastarisentraour facebook=https://www.facebook.com/pages/kastari-animation-studio/43215302531?fref = ts
Ella&Ello Pakaianku 1 Video
Education Series "I know what I wear withEllaand Ello "is an educational seriesdesigned for childrenthe toddler age children aged 1-3 years.With Ella, Ello and Kiko the clever bird, fruitour hearts willbeintroduced to the names of clothes.Submission of interest with 2D animation and colorof interestwillhelp us to introduce the clothes in our baby .This series contains four segments.Names of objects that willbeintroduced include:1. Singlets, shirts, Veil2. Shorts, Trousers, Dresses3. Hats, Jackets, Gloves4. Sandals, Shoes, Socks* This free application contains ads
Ella&Ello Pakaianku 2 Video
Education Series "I know what I wear withEllaand Ello "is an educational seriesdesigned for childrenthe toddler age children aged 1-3 years.With Ella, Ello and Kiko the clever bird, fruitour hearts willbeintroduced to the names of clothes.Submission of interest with 2D animation and colorof interestwillhelp us to introduce the clothes in our baby.This series contains four segments.Names of objects that willbeintroduced include:1. Singlets, shirts, Veil2. Shorts, Trousers, Dresses3. Hats, Jackets, Gloves4. Sandals, Shoes, Socks* This free application contains ads
Ella&Ello Pakaianku 4 Video
Education Series "I know what I wear withEllaand Ello "is an educational seriesdesigned for childrenthe toddler age children aged 1-3 years.With Ella, Ello and Kiko the clever bird, fruitour hearts willbeintroduced to the names of clothes.Submission of interest with 2D animation and colorof interestwillhelp us to introduce the clothes in our baby.This series contains four segments.Names of objects that willbeintroduced include:1. Singlets, shirts, Veil2. Shorts, Trousers, Dresses3. Hats, Jackets, Gloves4. Sandals, Shoes, Socks* This free application contains ads
Doa Naik Kendaraan v2 1.0.0
Doa Naik Kendaraan v2 - KastariAnimationOfficialPrayer Up Vehicle v2-Official Animation Kastari
Doa Naik Kendaraan bag-1 1.0.0
Doa Naik Kendaraan bag-1- KastariAnimationOfficialPrayer Vehicle Ride-1-bagKastari Official Animation
Seri Dongeng Kastari Animation 1.0
Kumpulan video animasi cerita dongeng yangbisadilihat gratisPerhatian:Video ini hanya diperbolehkan untuk dilihat dan tidakdiperbolehkanuntuk didownload.Dilarang Mengunduh/mendownload materi video ini tanpaseijinPT.Kastari Sentra MediaVideo ini dapat dibeli dalam bentuk VCD di:www.vcdmuslim.comwww.ditokokita.comProduksi Kastari Animation Studio (PT.Kastari SentraMedia)www.kastarianimation.comfacebook.com/KastariAnimationPageA collection offairytales animated video which can be viewed free of chargeAttention:This video is only allowed to be seen and not allowed tobedownloaded.Prohibited Download / download this video materialwithoutpermission PT.Kastari Sentra MediaThis video can be purchased in the form of VCD in:www.vcdmuslim.comwww.ditokokita.comKastari Animation Production Studio (PT.KastariSentraMedia)www.kastarianimation.comfacebook.com/KastariAnimationPage
Azan dan Iqomah - KastariAnimationOfficialAzan and Iqomah -OfficialAnimation Kastari
Lets sing a song - Small House Video
Friends, do you know what are in ourhouse?Great, there is living room, bed room, kitchen, etc. Now,let'sknow what are they more completely through a song! The songwillteach us about our small house.Enjoy!* This free application contains ads
Pendidikan Anak Bersama Diva 1.3
Seri Pendidikan Anak Bersama Diva. Kita akanbermain dan belajar bersama Diva dan Pupus Kanopus. Disini kitabisa belajar mengenal angka dan huruf. Belajar membaca dan jugaberhitung sederhana. Selain itu ada nyanyiannya sehingga belajarterasa menyenangkan!Perhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dan tidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Together ChildrenEducation Series Diva. We're going to play and learn with Diva anddashed Kanopus. Here we can learn to recognize numbers and letters.Learning to read and simple arithmetic. In addition there are songsthat learning was fun!Attention:Please download the application provided and do not download /download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Pendidikan Anak Bersama Diva 2 1.1
Pendidikan Anak Bersama Diva 2Perhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dan tidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Together ChildrenEducation Diva 2Attention:Please download the application provided and do not download /download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Dongeng Kita 1.10
Dongeng Kita merupakan cerita untuk anak yangdiproduksi oleh Kastari Animation (PT. Kastari Sentra Media).Konten dari aplikasi ini antara lain dongeng/cerita legendanusantara dan juga cerita dari berbagai negara yang dibuat untukanak. Ayo kita berikan media yang menarik dan mendidik untuk buahhati kita.Perhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dan tidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.We are the fairy talestories for children produced by Mas Selamat Animation (PT. KastariSentra Media). The content of this application include a fairy tale/ legend archipelago and also the story of the various countrieswhich made for a child. Let us give the media an interesting andeducational for our baby.Attention:Please download the application provided and do not download /download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Nyanyian Rukun Islam 1.3
Nyanyian Rukun IslamPerhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dan tidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Songs of the Pillars ofIslamAttention:Please download the application provided and do not download /download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Series 1.2
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva The Series.Perhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dan tidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Together Singing Diva TheSeries.Attention:Please download the application provided and do not download /download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Nyanyian Nabi Muhammad 1.3
Lagu Nabi Muhammad Bersama DivaPerhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dan tidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Songs Nabi MuhammadBersama DivaAttention:Please download the application provided and do not download /download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Belajar Berdoa Bersama Diva 1.1
Belajar Berdoa Bersama DivaPerhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dantidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Learning to PrayTogetherDivaAttention:Please download the application provided and do not download/download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Ella & Ello - Membuat Sesuatu 1.0
Ella & Ello - Membuat SesuatuPerhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dantidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Ella & Ello -MakeSomethingAttention:Please download the application provided and do not download/download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.
Ella & Ello - Open and Find 1.0
Ella & Ello - Open and FindPerhatian:Mohon download aplikasi yang disediakan dantidakmengunduh/mendownload materi video dalam aplikasi ini.Hak Cipta milik PT. Kastari Sentra Media.Ella & Ello - OpenandFindAttention:Please download the application provided and do not download/download the video material in this application.Copyright owned by PT. Kastari Sentra Media.