Agência WhiteDev Apps

Bitycoon 0.0.1
Bitycoon é um jogo simulador de investimentosem bitcoins (criptomoedas) que permite a você experimentar estenovo mercado antes de investir de verdade.Ao iniciar o jogo, você já ganha 1 bitcoin (de "mentirinha", éclaro). A partir daí, sua missão é aumentar o seu patrimônioacompanhando o mercado, sabendo a hora de investir e a hora deretirar.O Bitycoon obtém a cotação verdadeira do bitcoin, masressaltamos que os bitcoins e os valores exibidos no aplicativo sãofictícios e não possuem qualquer valor financeiro.Bitycoon is a gamesimulator investments in bitcoins (criptomoedas) that allows you totry this new market before investing for real.Once the game starts, you already won one bitcoin (the "lie" ofcourse). From there, your mission is to increase its equityfollowing the market, knowing the time to invest and the time topull out.The Bitycoon get the real price of bitcoin, but we emphasizethat bitcoins and the values ​​displayed in the application arefictitious and have no financial value.
UnSeen It 1.0
UnSeen It!UnSeen It adalah sebuah jejaring sosial, yang membantu andauntukdapat meluapkan segala perasaan anda tanpa takut sedikitpun:karenasemua post atau chat serta komentar di aplikasi initerpublishsecara Anonymous. Walaupun kalian dapat memiliki halamanprofilkalian masing masing, tetapi hanya kalianlah yang dapatmelihatpostingan milik kalian. Kalian pun dapat me-like postingantersebutjikalau kalian memiliki kesamaan pikiran dengannya. Kalianjuga bisaberkomunikasi dengan author setiap postingan / setiapkomentardengan cara klik "chat author" atau klik foto authortersebut.Fitur:- Berbagi Postingan Secara Anonymous (tanpa identitas)- Like dan Komentar- Chat dengan Author Post / Author Komentar- Halaman profil pribadiAplikasi ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan untukkedepannya,mulai dari tampilan hingga fitur. Kami sangat berterimakasihapabila kalian membantu untuk melaporkan error/bug danmemberikansaran pada aplikasi kamiTerima Kasih Kepada:- Jefrey- Meuthia- Alid- KahfiYang telah membantu selama pembuatan aplikasi iniCopyright - Yudhistira Bayu WUnseen It!Unseen It is a social network, which helps you to vent allyourfeelings without the slightest fear: because all post or chatandcomment on this application terpublish by Anonymous. Althoughyoucan have your profile page each, but you are all that can seethepost yours. You can be me-like the post if you have in commonwithher mind. You can also communicate with the author of each post/each comment by clicking the "chat author" or click the photoofthe author.Features:- Share Post By Anonymous (anonymous)- Like and Comment- Chat with Author Post / Author Comment- Personal profile pageThis application is still under development for the future,fromthe look up feature. We are very grateful if you help toreporterrors / bugs and give suggestions on our applicationThanks to:- Jeffrey- Meuthia- Alid- CaveWho have helped during the making of this applicationCopyright - Yudishthira Bayu W
Descarte Verde 1.0.0
Descarte mantendo a sustentabilidade!Descarte Verde mostra a você quais os locais mais próximos avocêque recebem e reutilizam os materiais dos quais você pretendesedesfazer.Nota: Por ora, este aplicativo funciona apenas naGrandeVitória (região metropolitana do estado do Espírito Santo-Brasil).Discardmaintainingsustainability!Green disposal shows you which sites close to you who receiveandreuse the materials from which you want to discard.Note: For now, this application works only in GreaterVictoria(metropolitan area in the state of Espirito Santo -Brazil).
Ninhospeda 1.0.0
Aplicativo de uso restrito a funcionáriosdosetor de hospedagem do Restaurante e Eventos NinhodaRoxinha.Application restrictedtoemployees of the hosting industry Restaurant and EventsNestRoxinha.
Comphoto 1.0
Comphoto - Perkenalkan Logo Anda DiFoto!Pernahkah anda melihat logo di suatu foto? Misalkan, di fotoseoranganak namun di pojok kiri bawah ada lambang suatuperusahaan? Entahitu national geographic dan sebagainya. Inginmembuat foto serupatapi dengan logo anda sendiri? Tapi repotdengan photoshop/coreldrawnya?Comphoto adalah jawabannya. Dengan comphoto kalian bisameletakanlogo perusahaan/gerakan/komunitas kalian dengan mudah.Dilengkapidengan fasilitas menambahkan tulisan di foto, memberikanefek padafoto, serta me-resize dan rotate logo anda sendiri didalam fototersebut.Comphoto terbagi 2 jenis, yaitu comphoto universal dancomphotobisnis. Untuk mendaftarkan logo perusahaan anda, silahkangunakanpaket comphoto universal, yang hanya dengan membayar100.000Rupiah, anda bisa mendapatkan logo anda di aplikasi comphotoini.Tapi, di comphoto ini bukan hanya berisi 1-5 logo anda,tapitermasuk logo dari banyak perusahaan lainnya yang menggunakanpaketcomphoto universal.Jika anda memilih paket comphoto bisnis, anda bisamendapatkanaplikasi anda sendiri, Dengan jumlah logo tak terbatas,dan hanyaada logo anda di aplikasi ini. Untuk comphoto bisnis cukupmembayar200.000 rupiah saja.Untuk pertanyaan tentang paket comphoto dan lainnya,silahkanhubungi kami melalui:===============================================================facebook: bayu.wryatsongko@gmail.comsms/telp/whatsapp: +6281385728206line: dhistirabyComphoto - IntroduceLogoIn Photos!Have you seen the logo in a photo? For example, in a photo ofachild, but in the lower left corner there is the emblem ofacompany? Whether it's national geographic and so on. Want to makeasimilar picture but with your own logo? But to botherwithphotoshop / corel drawnya?Comphoto is the answer. By comphoto you can put your companylogo/ movement / community you easily. Equipped with facilitiesadd textin the photo, giving effect to the photo, as well asresize androtate your own logo in the photo.Comphoto divided into two types, namely universal andcomphotocomphoto business. To register your company logo, pleaseuse theuniversal comphoto package, which is only to pay 100,000rupiah,you can get your logo in this comphoto application. But, inthiscomphoto not only contains your logo 1-5, but including thelogosof many other companies that use universal comphotopackage.If you choose a package comphoto business, you can get yourownapplication, with unlimited number of logos, and only your logoonthis application. Comphoto enough business to pay200,000rupiah.For questions about the package comphoto and others,pleasecontact us via:===============================================================facebook: bayu.wryatsongko@gmail.comsms / call / whatsapp: +6281385728206line: dhistiraby