jm0ur Apps

Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian boardgame regarded today as a worldwide classic. It is played betweentwo or more players on a gameboard having numbered, griddedsquares. The object of the game is to navigate one's game piece,according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) to thefinish (top square), helped or hindered by ladders and snakesrespectively.Up to four players
Rush Hour 3.0.1
Can we squeeze through traffic at peak timeswithout brake?Rush Hour offers travel tormented with rush hour traffic strappedinto a car without brakes.The principle is simple and perfect for a quick racing game.Two virtual buttons at the bottom of the screen are used to directyou from side to side.
Ninja Block 0.0.1
Sasuke wife has been kidnaped parl'organisation des ninja noir to force Sasuke to work forthemHelp sasuke to get his wife backhave fun with Ninja block :good graphic resolutiongood sound effect
Craps is a dice game in which the players makewagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pairof dice. Craps game with realistic physics and high qualitygraphics
Snakes and Ladders Heroes v1.11
Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indianboardgame regarded today as a worldwide classic. It is playedbetweentwo or more players on a gameboard having numbered,griddedsquares. The object of the game is to navigate one's gamepiece,according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) tothefinish (top square), helped or hindered by ladders andsnakesrespectively.Up to four players
Craps Gold
Craps is a dice game in which the playersmakewagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of apairof dice. Craps game with:Realistic physicsHigh quality graphicsNo balance problems
snakes and ladders 10" v1.11
Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian boardgame regarded today as a worldwide classic. It is played betweentwo or more players on a gameboard having numbered, griddedsquares. The object of the game is to navigate one's game piece,according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) to thefinish (top square), helped or hindered by ladders and snakesrespectively.Up to four players
SkyGear 0.0.1
Resist the attack of the enemy in theseintensebattles and pull all your air missiles. You know that theonly wayto survive this battle is shooting the enemies. A littlemoment ofweakness can be fatal.
Cloney Bird
Cloney Bird is like the original bird game!Spread your flappy wings and fly like a bird!We all loved the original Flappy game and its famous bird, but thedeveloper deleted his famous and challenging app. But hey! Noworries, we created a clone called Cloney Bird. Yeah we know, it'snot the original Flappy game with the well known bird but noworries, you will also love it and we are already working on a lotof features to make it even better.Let's play Cloney Bird and enjoy it. Thank you!Features-Beautiful Graphics and scenarios-Four Medals~!!! - Easy, Normal, Hard, Very hard-Various Background Graphics~!!!-Simple Controls~!!!-Various birds
SuperHeros Crush
You have 120 seconds to clear as many HEROSasyou can!How many HEROS can you pop in 120 seconds?Group HEROS together for higher scores
Game of the Goose
Game of the Goose is a board game howconsistsof a track with consecutively numbered spaces (usually 63),and isoften arranged in a spiral with the starting point at theoutside.Each player's piece is moved according to throws of one ortwodice. Scattered throughout the board are a number of spacesonwhich a goose is depicted; landing on a goose allows the playertomove again by the same distance. Additional shortcuts, suchasspaces marked with a bridge, move the player to someotherspecified position. There are also a few penalty spaces whichforcethe player to move backwards or lose one or more turns, themostrecognizable being the one marked with a skull andsymbolizingdeath; landing on this space results in the player beingsent backto start. On Spanish boards the reverse is usually aparchísboard.
Equal 2.0.1
Equal is a platform game who calls toyoursense of deductionHave fun by solving multiple puzzleMagnificent gamesSuperb picture qualityA very original environmentUnique audible and visual effects
Goose game
The board game is a board game of golfwherepawns are moved according to the results of twodice.Traditionally, the board game includes 63 boxes arranged inspiralwound inward and having a number of traps. The goal is toarrivefirst to the last box. The board game is a game ofpurechance.
Magic Card : Mind Reading
Magic Card : Mind Reading is an app who has the capability to readyou mind
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