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刀塔掛機 1.048
【內容介紹】《刀塔掛機》——是一款顛覆傳統手遊的全新放置類型RPG。以史詩式經典遊戲作背景的RPG,玩家將要為自己選擇職業,然後展開狩獵魔獸的行動獲取傳奇套裝,成就統領史詩世界的霸者。雖然「刀塔掛機」的掛機系統可以幫玩家輕鬆打怪,但玩家對於角色培養與設定,可是成敗的關鍵因素!為你的公會榮耀而戰!【新玩法大公開】《刀塔掛機》提供新穎的「放置型戰鬥手遊」體驗!玩家只要登入遊戲,設定好遊戲角色、裝備,系統便會自動幫玩家練功打寶。玩遊戲不需再死盯螢幕、乾眼流淚啦!系統的掛機模式,可以更有效率的幫你練武功,對於時間有限或者想要輕鬆玩遊戲的玩家們,可是一大福音!是時候讓你的手指放輕鬆囉!【遊戲特色】— 紫裝一鍵裝備 挑戰極速衝關— 傭兵系統,擁立個人的最強軍隊— 只有你想就可以立即挑戰關卡BOSS— 讓你的手指放輕鬆,自動打怪寶物全收— 史詩式故事背景,親歷魔戒奇幻歷程— 親手建成最強公會,成與敗全在你一念之間— 最強線上實時聯天系統,帥哥美女齊交流如有任何問題歡迎來信:cs@mplusfun.com攻略及官網:http://粉絲頁:
奔跑炸彈人(Beta) - m+遊戲 1.0.4
今夏跟著「奔跑炸彈人」一起來動腦拼闖關嚕!11位各懷絕技的英雄登場,快跟著他們一起打敗怪物,保護村落,達成各種任務還能獲得超多好禮唷!夏日炎炎在冷氣房裡玩「奔跑炸彈人」,你想單獨闖關、多人闖關,或找好友來線上PK都可以!「奔跑炸彈人」邀大家一起線上開趴嚕!◆◆◆一定要下載「奔跑炸彈人」6大原因◆◆◆◆11超級英雄,7大能力數值!親愛的~我把炸彈人變強了!每位英雄的能力值細分7大項,升級系統更多元!◆多種炸彈武器與道具炸彈會隨著角色升級而提升,遊戲中更有數百種創意小道具和機關,快來挑戰!◆新增寵物坐騎系統,陪你騎馬打仗可愛寵物章魚哥、小小鳥、古墓幽靈等,陪你一起玩騎馬打仗!◆詳盡教學好上手,全家一起玩!遊戲導引你勇闖基本關,左手操縱方向+右手放炸彈,簡單又有趣,適合全家一起玩喔!◆豐富戰鬥模式,心機迷宮關卡你想單獨冒險?或揪朋友來場多人對戰、多人闖關都可以!還有小心機的迷宮關卡等著你呢!◆全服互動系統炸彈人世界,高手交流~就到聊天頻道social吧!還有好多難以形容的遊戲特色...總之就是「簡單、可愛、鬥智、好玩啦~」熱情夏天,快和炸彈人們一起來奔跑吧!《奔跑炸彈人》官網:《奔跑炸彈人》粉絲團:《奔跑炸彈人》哈拉板:客服中心信箱:,我們將竭盡為您解答!※《奔跑炸彈人》官方將保留所有活動權利,請以官方最新公告為主。※ 本遊戲為保護級。請玩家們在休閒玩遊戲之餘,務必掌控時間,適度休息,勿過度沉溺。※ 9月盛大改版,如有任何建議,可聯絡我們。This summer, followedby"running Bomberman" brains together to fight checkpoints chatter!11 Face stunt hero debut, soon followed them together todefeatthe monster, to protect the village, but also get to reachavariety of tasks over many manners yo! Summer heatinair-conditioned room playing "run bomb," you want toseparatecheckpoints, people pass through, or find a friend to PKonline canbe! "Run Bomberman" invite everyone lie open onlinechatter!◆◆◆ sure to download the "run bomb" six reasons ◆◆◆◆ 11 superheroes, 7 large capacity value!Dear ~ I Bomberman become strong! The ability to value eachherosubdivision seven items, upgrade the system more dollars!◆ variety of weapons and props bombAs the role of the upgrade and the bomb will enhance the gamemorehundreds of creative props and bodies, come challenge!◆ new pet horse system, accompany you fight on horsebackCute pet octopus brother, Little Bird, tombs ghost, etc.,toaccompany you to play horse fight!◆ detailed teaching good use, to play with thewholefamily!Rebel basic game guide you off, left + right hand steeringdirectionplant bombs, easy and fun for the whole family to playtogetherOh!◆ rich battle mode, the level of effort mazeYou want to separate risk? Or pulling a friend to multiplayergames,multiplayer checkpoints can be! There are a maze ofcheckpoints careunit waiting How about you!◆ full-service interactive systemBomb people in the world, experts exchanges - on the socialchatchannels now!There are a lot of game features indescribable ... in short,is"simple, lovely, battle of wits, fun friends -" warm summer,fastand bomb people together to run it!"Run Bomberman" the official website:"Run Bomberman" Fans:"Run bomb" Sahara board: Service E-mail:, we will doeverythingto answer your questions!※ "run bomb," the official All rights reserved activity, pleasegivepriority to the latest official announcement.※ This game is for the protection level. Please casual gamerstoplay in the game, it must control the time, appropriate rest,donot over indulge.※ September grand revision, if you have any suggestions,pleasecontact us.
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