Roopkotha 1.1.4
মোবাইল ফোনে গল্পশোনারএ্যাপ্লিকেশন“রুপকথা”।রুপকথার জগৎ থেকে উঠে আসা রাজকন্যা চন্দ্রাবতী মজার মজার সবগল্পশুনাবেএই এ্যাপ দিয়ে। গল্প নির্বাচন করে ক্লিক করলেইসয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে কথা বলেউঠবে চন্দ্রাবতী। শুনতে পাবে ভয়ঙ্কর সেইরাক্ষস,খোক্ষস, রাজা, রানী বাডালিম কুমারের গল্প। গল্প শুনার সাথেসাথে দেখাযাবে হাতে আঁকাছবি।শুনতে থাকো “রাজকন্যা চন্দ্রাবতীকে”।
Jessore Board 1.0.1
An official app on Jessore Board result and e-management. Throughthis application user can know the public results as well asinstitutional results of any institute under Jessore Board.Ranking of an institute, students registration process, DigitalLibrary, appointment management, notice and many more can be donethrough this application.
Ekattor 1.1.1
A collection of memorabilia, photograph &document from the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Police Station 1.3.1
Police Station App provides you an instant,on-the-go access to the information of police stations available inall metropolitan areas across Bangladesh .Police Station App features:It allows user to search for a police station location wise bytaping on the desired Division, District and Thana. A list ofpolice stations available under that Thana appears. The user thenby taping on the desired police station can get the followinginformation:- Police Station Name- Email- Address- Phone NumberSpecial Feature: You can directly make a phone call or find thelocation of the police station by taping on the icons present.Please note that, due to inaccuracies in the GPS systems used bymobile phones, the estimated location provided may deviate fromyour actual location.
Hashpatal 1.0.2
The Health Directory App contains the list ofall hospitals and doctors available in Bangladesh, in a directorystructure. We have already started collecting the list of both thedoctors and hospitals from Directorate General of Health’s officeand other authorized sources from which a database is beingdeveloped. Information will be updated as a continuous process inaccordance to the updates of these sources.
Tasbih 1.2
"Tasbih" is a beautiful yet simple Zikrcounter app. It helps you recite and always remember the almightyin your heart.This app was developed by Isfar Hassan a student of class 10,trained in the workshop of National Mobile Application AwarenessDevelopment & Capacity Building Program by Ministry of ICT inBangladesh.
Currency Converter 1.0.2
Know the Current Conversion Rate of Taka toany Currency in the world. Convert all the major currencies in theworld to Bangladeshi Taka. Covering both the buy and sell price.This application will auto update with daily currency rates andprovide you with up to date conversion
Techshohor 1.0
Techshohor is an app made for,awell renowned IT blog in Bangladesh
Arabic Tutor 1.0.1
Its a useful application for learning Arabicalphabets for Bengali speaking people. User can also listen the thepronunciation of the characters.
Global Newspaper 1.4
The Global Newspaper App, the most recent appto come out of MCC Ltd, is an application that provides the userwith a global experience. Very simply, the app allows its user tochoose from a list of countries around the world. Upon choice of acountry, all the newspapers from that country with active websitesappear as choices to the user. When the user chooses a newspaper,they gain immediate access to it and can browse through itscontents at leisure, allowing them the opportunity to receivein-depth news from around the world.
Lemon24 3.4
Lemon24 is an application that helps youlistenour unique contents from internet radio station"Lemon24-ListenFresh" right from your android device.
Write3 2.3.1
A brand new, global venture incitizenjournalism. Join the dynamic, online community and with ourmobilefeature, report from wherever you are about whatever you feelisnews worthy.DescriptionWrite3 allows its members to speak their own voice fromallcommunity levels of the society, mainly addressing thetypicalproblems faced by developing countries such as Bangladeshitself.It has been prized with WSYA Awards 2011 in the category“PursueTruth”. Pioneer in promoting citizen mobile journalisminBangladesh, Write3 has become a powerful journalism toolwhichenables its members to upload their reports in the form ofshorttexts, video clips as well as photographs. The news reportedfromvarious parts of the country encourages all concerned citizentospeak out their words regarding the problems faced by them aswellas their surroundings.
TuTu The Rabit 1.0
Download TuTu The Rabbit bookmark toyourhomescreen so you can have quick access to free mobilegameswhenever you want! Don't miss out on the new games addedeveryweek. All of your favorite games including Play BubbleShooter,Mahjong, Football and many other fun games! Enjoy yourfavoriteHTML5 games !
ATM Booth Bangladesh 1.0.3
"ATM Booth Bangladesh" is an app where apersonfrom Bangladesh can find out ATM booths location for allavailablebanks in Bangladesh
Digital World 1.0.4
Digital World 2015 App Description:About- To keep you posted and know more regarding thehappeningsof the Digital World 2015, the biggest technologyexposition andconference being held in Dhaka, Bangladesh.Pre-Event Features:a. Registration- The registration process registers you throughthisapp for free and allows you to attend the necessary sessionsheld atthe exposition.b. Session Details- You can get each session details in here andaddthe session which you want o attend to your device calendar.You canalso set a reminder for each session added to your calendarso thatyou do not miss any of them.c. Speaker Details- Get brief biography on individual speakerwhowill be taking the sessions during the conference. The speakersareessentially policy-makers at strategic level, seniorgovernmentofficials & ministers, industry leaders, civilsocietyspokespersons, investors, multinational ICT specialists andanyother stakeholders associated with the exposition.d. Exhibitor Profile- You can check on the exhibitor directoryandknow who is showcasing their innovative ICT products,solutions& applications, various programs and initiatives ofgovernmentand private-sector agencies/corporations.e. Contact- Contact information is provided. You can also checkonthe map for the location of where the exposition is beingheld.At Event Features:a. Live Session- Watch the live video streaming of thesessionsbeing held during the exposition.b. QR Code- Against all registered users, a QR Code willbegenerated.c. Map Stall Location- During your visit to the exposition youcaneasily check on the event maps and floor plansPost-Event Features:Video of Previous Session- You can also have access toeventmaterials of each session which were held previously.
RTI Act Bangladesh 1.3
'Rights to Information Act, 2009’ is theonlyact in Bangladesh which clarifies basic citizen rights, whichcanbe used to ensure government’s accountability andtransparency.Basically, the Rights to Information Act, 2009 wasformulated tocurb corruption and establish good governance in bothgovernmentand non-government organizations.In order to increase the awareness of this law as well asitsusage, the Information Commission started this mobileapplicationprogram. This application is created by Dnet( the assistance was provided by ManusherJonno Foundation. Theoverall distribution of the application willbe administered byAccess to Information (A2i) Programme.Essentially, thisapplication is created to augment socialaccountability and Rightsto Information Act, 2009. Moreover, theidea behind thisapplication is that people from all walks of lifecan learn aboutthis law in an easy and pleasant manner and that toinitiatepeople’s interest towards this field.
SAWAB 1.5.5
Quran, Hadith, Hajj, Prayer, Fasting, Sehri & Iftar, Tasbih& other useful info
Banglar Radio 1.3.1
Listen to Banglar Radio, a perfect radio app for music lovers.Anapp that brings all the music stations available in Bangladeshatyour finger tip. Listeners can listen to both online radios aswellas FM radios of Bangladesh from any place of the world. Sokeeplistening and enjoy Banglar Radio.
JobsPack – Bangladesh 1.6.4
JobsPack – Bangladesh: aggregate jobs news from all major jobsitein Bangladesh. It provides a full service for anyone lookingfor anew job in Bangladesh and abroad which is applicableforBangladeshi citizens. Use Jobs Pack to search your perfect job.
Bangla Likhi 1.7
Bangla Likhi is a phonetic Bangla typing application.Features-Works Offline -Shares with all Facebook, Twitter and othersocialnetworks -Easy & Simple UI Keywords: bangla, facebook,twitter,typing, mcc, bangla engine, 21, ekushe