4inch Apps

怪物天堂 1.0.27
怪物天堂是一款战宠培养的手机网络游戏。神奇的训练师踏上征程,成为魁星岛最强的战宠驯兽师。快来带上你们的宠物来迎接挑战吧。游戏特色:★★★两百余种已知战宠等着你收集和驯服!★★★战宠对战操作简单,画面精致细腻!★★★超炫战宠技能,不同的技能搭配会有不一样的战斗和视觉效果!★★★屠龙战或得稀有宠物蛋!★★★宠物融合可让战宠更快升级!★★★关卡探险,关卡守护,超多趣味玩法!★★★参与每日活动可获丰厚奖励!Heaven isa battle pet monsters cultured cell phone online games. Magictrainer embark on the journey to become the most powerful warKuixing Island pet trainer. Come and bring your pet to meet thechallenge of it.Game Features:★ ★ ★ two hundred species known combat pet waiting for you tocollect and tame!★ ★ ★ combat pet Battle simple operation, the screendelicate!★ ★ ★ stunning combat pet skills, there will be a different mix ofskills is not the same as fighting and visual effects!★ ★ ★ Pathfinder or too rare pet egg!★ ★ ★ combat pet pets integration allows faster update!★ ★ ★ hurdles adventure, crossing guard, super multi-fungameplay!★ ★ ★ participate in daily activities receive rich rewards!
怪物x聯盟 - 懷舊版 1.31
《怪物X聯盟》作為萌寵巔峰之作,看點十足,節節攀升的超高人氣屢次刷新線上紀錄!《口袋妖怪》作為寵物遊戲的開山鼻祖,開啟了“捉寵馴寵,寵物相互PK”的遊戲模式,打破傳統玩家為遊戲主角的作法,成為一代人的共同回憶。同樣作為口袋題材的遊戲,《怪物X聯盟》從未想要複製經典,因為我們知道,經典無法被覆刻!延續“夥伴、成長及冒險”這一經典主題,我們迎來的是回合制RPG大膽創新。如果你是寵物遊戲的忠實擁躉,那麼《怪物X聯盟》是你不二之選。它以手機為載體真正地把“口袋妖怪”呈現在你面前,你只需利用碎片時間即可展開神奇的馴寵之旅,將手機化身“精靈球”隨時體驗捕怪樂趣。對於不瞭解口袋的夥伴,絢麗細膩的畫面、豐富多樣的趣味玩法以及海量萌寵圖鑒會使你立刻愛上這個奇幻的冒險世界。值得一提的是,不同于傳統意義的“怪物”,超萌超Q的百變寵物不僅讓多種男性玩家為之沉醉,也讓不少女性玩家驚聲尖叫!你是否已怦然心動?那不妨親自來《怪物X聯盟》中一探究竟吧!若您有任何问题,请联系我们的客服邮箱:gwlm_tw@51pocket.com更多精彩內容,請關注我們的面子書點贊:https://www.facebook.com/monster.4inch"Monster X Union" as thepinnacle of Meng Chong, Aspect full, soaring high popularityrepeatedly refresh the online record! "Pokemon" game's pedigree asa pet, opened a "catch pet tame pet, pet mutual PK" game mode, theplayer of the game to break the traditional practice of theprotagonist, a generation who shared memories. The same theme ofthe game as a pocket, "Monster X Union" never want to copy aclassic, because we know that can not be covered with carvedclassic! Continuation of "partners, growth and adventure," theclassic theme, we usher in a bold and innovative turn-based RPG.If you are a pet fans of the game, then "Monster X alliance" isyour best choice. It really put the phone to the carrier "Pokemon"in front of you, you can simply use the time to expand the debristame pet magical journey, the phone incarnation of "Elf Ball" readyto experience the fun of catching blame. For partners do notunderstand the pocket, gorgeous delicate picture, a variety of fungameplay and massive Meng pet illustrations will make you instantlyfall in love with this fantasy adventure in the world. It is worthmentioning that, unlike in the traditional sense of the "monster",super-ultra-Meng Q Variety pet will not only allow players to whommany men intoxicated, but also to a lot of female playersscream!Have you resist? That might come and "Monster X Union" in check itout now!If you have any questions, please contact our Customer ServiceEmail: gwlm_tw@51pocket.comMore exciting content, please pay attention to our face book pointslike:https://www.facebook.com/monster.4inch
Paramon 1.0.27
Paramon is a multiplayer CCG game about monster combat andtraining.In this game, the player is put in the shoes of a newbie trainer ona journey to be the greatest monsters trainer of all.Now, create your ultimate team with amazing monsters and step onthe dangerous but exciting journey!GAME FEATURES★★★More than two hundred of monsters waiting to becaptured!!!★★★Automated combat scenes with beautiful music and visualeffects!!!★★★Dazzling skills and combos!!!★★★Daily Boss fights to win things like senior pethatchers!!!★★★Fusion Mechanism to level up your combat pets faster!!!★★★Fun and challenging stages with unique designs!!!★★★Daily events and contests to earn awesome rewards!!!
喵将传 Online 6.0
Facebook地址:www.facebook.com/mjzapp客服邮箱:kf@15166.com《喵将传》【回合制卡牌网游】“三国战水浒,林冲斗赵云,谁更强?”战吧!《喵将传》是一款集宠物收集、养成、战斗于一体的手机回合制网游,还记得《魔力宝贝》《石器时代》吗?怀旧打怪,打关卡,扫荡地图,练级游戏。拥有等级压制,让你体验一把怀旧的感觉!强力武将“吕布”“赵云”“林冲”化身喵将活在各个真实的历史背景之下。游戏以高质量,“帅酷”“碉堡”的美术风格配上休闲新颖的玩法,全部角色由各种酷猫担任,与众多水浒或其它历史题材的游戏截然不同,定会造成强大的感官冲击。硝烟弥漫,战火四起,打破传统水浒历史背景,玩家能够充分体验群英喵大乱斗的场面!让萌猫们带你去领略一个最特别的时代吧!★★★怀旧练级回合制网游还记得《魔力宝贝》《石器时代》吗?怀旧打怪,打关卡,扫荡地图,练级游戏。和朋友一起组队游戏,享受练级的舒畅!★★★水浒武将上演酷猫形态你能想象林冲、吕布化身为喵星人后,会是怎样的局面?貂蝉、大小乔这些著名的美女们,又将被喵星人如何演绎?数百位三国,水浒人物,化身酷喵形态,重燃乱世战火!★★★五大职业打造百变阵型狂战士主攻、霸者主防、武者主暴击、明星主治疗、学者主控制⋯⋯五大职业,百变阵型,玩家自由组合,组建自己的实力团队!★★★神器诞生装备进阶系统出征战场,怎能缺少神兵利器?青龙偃月刀、赤兔马等经典装备在游戏中应有尽有,除此以外,女王皮鞭、安拳套等恶搞装备也将震惊你的眼球。装备进阶,打造专属于你的神器吧!★★★多元化玩法群雄争霸告别枯燥无趣的单一玩法,寻找属于自己的称王道路。挑战无尽通天塔,争夺竞技场桂冠,新奇的寻宝探险⋯⋯当pve遇上pvp,总有一种适合你!★★★你来我就送进来我们"不收钱"就狂送!8888RMB礼包保送你到100级,充值任意金额即可获得1688绝版武将——吕小布!FacebookAddress:www.facebook.com / mjzappCustomer Service Email: kf@15166.com "Meow will return" [online] turn card "Three WaterMarginwar, fighting Zhao Lin, who is stronger?" Fight it!   "Meow will return" is a set of petcollect,develop, fighting in one of the phone turn-based onlinegames,remember "Magic Baby" "Stone Age" it? Nostalgia blow up,hitpoints, against the map, leveling the game. Have a levelofrepression, allows you to experience a feeling ofnostalgia!Powerful generals "Riboud" "Zhao" "Lin" meow incarnationwill liveunder various real historical background. Games withhigh-quality,"handsome cool", "bunker" novel art style coupled withcasual playall the roles served by a variety of cool cats, and manyotherhistorical themes Water Margin or different games, will resultin astrong sensory impact . Smoke, flames everywhere, breakingthetraditional Water Margin historical background, players canfullyexperience the Beat scene Fuzion meow! Let them take you to atasteof Moe the cat one of the most special times of it!★ ★ ★ nostalgic turn-based online game levelingRemember the "Magic Baby" "Stone Age" it? Nostalgia blow up,hitpoints, against the map, leveling the game. Team games withfriendsand enjoy the levelingComfortable!★ ★ ★ Water Margin generals staged a cool cat formCan you imagine after Lin, Riboud transformed into a star whomeow,what will be the situation? Diao Chan, the size of thesefamousbeauties Joe, who in turn was meow star how tointerpret?Hundreds of Three Kingdoms, Water Margin characters, avatarscoolmeow form and rekindle the chaos of war! ★ ★ ★ five career to create amazing formationBerserker main, the main anti Bazhe, Warrior Lord crit, themainstar treatment, academics five main control ⋯ ⋯ career,Varietyformation, players free combination, set up their ownThe strength of the team!★ ★ ★ artifact born Advanced System equipmentSet off the battlefield, how can the lack of magicweapon?Broadsword, Red Horse equipment and other classic everythingin thegame, except the queen whips, safety glove and otherequipment willalso be shocked spoof your eye. Advanced equipment,buildexclusively for your artifact it!★ ★ ★ diversified play anybody's gameGoodbye to boring and uninteresting single play, find theirownkings road. Babel endless challenges, competing arenatitle,novelty treasure hunt adventure ⋯ ⋯ encounter when pve pvp,thereis always a right for you!★ ★ ★ you to send meWe come in "no money" on the Kuangsong! 8888RMB walks you to the100packs, recharge any amount you can get 1688 out of printgenerals -Lu small cloth!