the WALi studio Apps

MyQuran Indonesia
the WALi studio
Assalamualaikum wr wbAplikasi Al Quran yang menarik asli buatan Indonesia, dengan begitubanyak fitur yang akan membantu saudara semua dalam membaca sertamenghafalkan Al QuranFitur My Quran1. Desain yang indah2. Selalu menyimpan surah terakhir yang dibaca agar dengan mudahmelanjutkannya3. Fungsi Pencarian4. Kumpulan Doa dalam Al Quran5. Penanda Buku6. Ayat Sajdah7. Tampilan Per Halaman8. Membaca Al Quran- Pinch to zoom- Suara Qori yang banyak- Terjemahan yang banyak- Tajwid berwarna- Huruf Latin- Swipe dengan 2 jari untuk pindah halaman- Audio Player yang bagus- Bagikan ke Media Sosial- Copy Quran Text- Tampilan FullScreen9. Tugas untuk mengkhatamkan Al Quran10. Tugas untuk menghafal Al Quran11. Asmaul Husna12. Schedule/Alarm untuk mengingatkan saatnya membaca AlQuran13. MakhrajDengan aplikasi yang indah ini, kami harap kita dapat menerimamanfaat yang besar agar semakin cinta kepada Al QuranDukung kami dengan menggunakan versi infaq agar dapat mengembangkanaplikasi ini seterusnya.Beda versi LITE dan versi INFAQLITE :- Tajwid : Al-Fatihah dan Al-Baqarah- Download Suara Reciter : Al Fatihah, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas dan AnNaas- Bookmark : 5- Hafalan : 5 dan tidak bisa dihapus- Khatam : 30 hari, tidak dapat diubah- Alarm : 1INFAQ :- Tajwid : Semua Surah- Download Suara Reciter : Semua Surah- Bookmark : tidak dibatasi- Hafalan : tidak dibatasi dan bisa dihapus- Khatam : dapat disesuaikan harinya- Alarm : tidak dibatasiWassalamualaikum wr wb===========================================the WALi studio merupakan pengembang aplikasi Islami diIndonesia.Aplikasi islam yang dikembangkan cukup sukses di market android,iOS, WP8 dan BB10.Aplikasi islam terbaik dari the WALi studio diantaranya adalahMyQuran Indonesia dan Muslim Daily.Hubungi : support@thewalistudio.comKunjungi website kami di
Muslim Daily : Quran Hadis Doa
the WALi studio
Muslim Daily : All in One Muslim Apps withPrayer Times feature and many thing elseFeatures:- Prayer Times : countdown the prayer times and give you adzansound when pray comesFirst scene will show you Prayer Times schedule with 5 beautifulbackground. This Prayer Times and set automatically with your gpsdata or you can set it manually. Just choose your location fromdropdown.- Qibla DirectionAfter you set your location, Qibla Direction feature will calculatethe degree from your location to Mecca / Makkah / MasjidilHaram.- Quran : Full 114 Surah with audio mp3 that can bedownloadedThis Muslim Daily apps have Quran feature too. Just simple Quranwith arabic text and colored tajweed, you can show the translationtoo. On this Quran feature, you can download mp3 reciter. Your lastread ayyah will be saved so you can only tap one click to readQuran again.- Dua : Daily duas with audio by Ustad Muhammad Arif HudayaThis apps provide Daily Dua this arabic text and translation. Thisdua also have mp3 audio. You can share your dua to any social medialike Facebook and Twitter too.- Hadith Arbain : 40 hadith with audio by Ustad Muhammad ArifHudayaHadith Arbain is common hadith that basically we should know. Thishadith arbain have audio mp3 too. And you can share the hadith toFacebook and Twitter too.- Zakah CalculatorMany times we confuse about how to calculate our zakah. With thiszakah feature, you can calculate it easily. Zakah Calculator willget the gold value, and calculate our zakah.- Masjid FinderEver you stuck on somewhere and dont know where is the Masjid ? Usethis feature to find Masjid that closest to you. This Masjid Finderfeature will calculate the distance between you and the closestMasjid and show it on map.- Tasbih CounterNot need to bring tasbih. With this Tasbih Counter feature can helpyou to count your zikir. Tasbih counter have vibrate and audio, youcan set it automatically so you just follow the audio or justmanually. May this tasbih counter feature can help you to dozikir.- Greeting CardsWant to send greeting cards to your friends or family on Islam HolyDays ? Not need to print the greeting cards. You can only use thisfeature, change the name and send it to your friends and familyusing many social media. Greeting cards have nice design thatcomfort with Islamic theme.- Hijri CalendarHijri Calendar will show you the Hijri months. On this Calendar,you can see Islam Holy Days and convert it to masehi timetoo.- Asmaul HusnaAsmaul Husna is 99 good name of Allah. Asmaul Husna comes with nicecalligraph design and the meaning. You can share the Asmaul Husnato Facebook or Twitter.- And many other features will come to youDownload this Muslim Daily apps and spread this beautiful anduseful apps.Jazakallahu Khair
Prayer Times Muslim All in One 1.3.8
the WALi studio
Muslim Daily : All in One Muslim Apps withPrayer Times feature and many thing elseFeatures:- Prayer Times : countdown the prayer times and give you adzansound when pray comesFirst scene will show you Prayer Times schedule with 5 beautifulbackground. This Prayer Times dan set automatically with your gpsdata or you can set it manually. Just choose your location fromdropdown.- Qibla DirectionAfter you set your location, Qibla Direction feature will calculatethe degree from your location to Mecca / Makkah / MasjidilHaram.- Quran : Full 114 Surah with audio mp3 that can bedownloadedThis Muslim Daily apps have Quran feature too. Just simple Quranwith arabic text and colored tajweed, you can show the translationtoo. On this Quran feature, you can download mp3 reciter. Your lastread ayyah will be saved so you can only tap one click to readQuran again.- Dua : Daily duas with audio by Ustad Muhammad Arif HudayaThis apps provide Daily Dua this arabic text and translation. Thisdua also have mp3 audio. You can share your dua to any social medialike Facebook and Twitter too.- Hadith Arbain : 40 hadith with audio by Ustad Muhammad ArifHudayaHadith Arbain is common hadith that basically we should know. Thishadith arbain have audio mp3 too. And you can share the hadith toFacebook and Twitter too.- Zakah CalculatorMany times we confuse about how to calculate our zakah. With thiszakah feature, you can calculate it easily. Zakah Calculator willget the gold value, and calculate our zakah.- Masjid FinderEver you stuck on somewhere and dont know where is the Masjid ? Usethis feature to find Masjid that closest to you. This Masjid Finderfeature will calculate the distance between you and the closestMasjid and show it on map.- Tasbih CounterNot need to bring tasbih. With this Tasbih Counter feature can helpyou to count your zikir. Tasbih counter have vibrate and audio, youcan set it automatically so you just follow the audio or justmanually. May this tasbih counter feature can help you to dozikir.- Greeting CardsWant to send greeting cards to your friends or family on Islam HolyDays ? Not need to print the greeting cards. You can only use thisfeature, change the name and send it to your friends and familyusing many social media. Greeting cards have nice design thatcomfort with Islamic theme.- Hijri CalendarHijri Calendar will show you the Hijri months. On this Calendar,you can see Islam Holy Days and convert it to masehi timetoo.- Asmaul HusnaAsmaul Husna is 99 good name of Allah. Asmaul Husna comes with nicecalligraph design and the meaning. You can share the Asmaul Husnato Facebook or Twitter.- And many other features will come to youDownload this Muslim Daily apps and spread this beautiful anduseful apps.Jazakallahu Khair
Doa Harian Islam + Audio
the WALi studio
Assalamualaikum wr wbDoa harian Menyediakan kumpulan doa doa harian Islam populer untukkegiatan sehari-hari yaitu :- Sebelum Tidur- Bangun Tidur- Sebelum Makan- Sesudah Makan- Sebelum Wudhu- Sesudah Wudhu- dan lainnya disertai audio dan terjemahanDengan aplikasi Kumpulan doa harian Islam ini diharapkan kitasemakin dekat dengan Allah dan selalu terbiasa ber doa sebelum dansesudah melakukan sesuatu.InsyaAllah...Wassalamualaikum wr wb===========================================the WALi studio merupakan pengembang aplikasi Islami diIndonesia.Aplikasi islam yang dikembangkan cukup sukses di market android,iOS, WP8 dan BB10.Aplikasi islam terbaik dari the WALi studio diantaranya adalahMyQuran Indonesia dan Muslim Daily.Hubungi : support@thewalistudio.comKunjungi website kami di
MyQuran International PRO
the WALi studio
Assalamualaikum wr wbBeautiful Al Quran application that give you so many features forread, learn, understand and memorize Al Quran.MyQuran features:1. Beautiful design2. Always save your last read ayyah3. Search Function4. Duas in Quran5. Bookmarks6. Ayyah Sajdah7. Page Viewer8. Read Quran- Pinch to zoom- Many reciters- Many translation- Colored Tajwid- Transliteration- Swipe with 2 fingers to navigate- Comfort audio player- Share To Social Media- Copy Quran Text- Fullscreen View9. Finishing Task. Help you to Khatam Al Quran10. Memorizing Task. Help you to memorize ayyahs on Al Quran11. Asmaul Husna12. Schedule/Alarm to remind you to read Al Quran13. MakhrajOn this beautiful application, we hope to help you all to love ourHoly Book, Al Quran.Wassalamualaikum wr wb
MyQuran Al Quran Anak
the WALi studio
Assalamualaikum wr wbMyQuran : Al Quran Anak ini adalah aplikasi lainnya dari the WAListudio dengan tujuan agar anak betah dalam membaca Alquran daninsyaAllah mencintai Quran sejak dini. Dengan aplikasi ini, anaklebih senang belajar mengaji Al'Quran. Aplikasi islami untuk anakanak.Fitur yang disediakan sama dengan aplikasi My Quran yang ada, hanyaperubahan terhadap tampilan yang menyesuaikan dengan kesukaan anakkecil.InsyaAllah kami akan membangun aplikasi pembelajaran Al Qur'an yangmengedukasi anak anak penerus bangsa Indonesia untuk mencintaikitab suci umat Islam ini.===========================================the WALi studio merupakan pengembang aplikasi Islami diIndonesia.Aplikasi islam yang dikembangkan cukup sukses di market android,iOS, WP8 dan BB10.Aplikasi islam terbaik dari the WALi studio diantaranya adalahMyQuran dan Muslim Daily.Hubungi : support@thewalistudio.comKunjungi website kami di be upon you, andAllah mercy and blessingsMyQuran: Children Qur'an are other applications of the guardiansstudio in order to make children feel at home in reading the Koranand inshaAllah loved the Quran early on. With this application,children prefer to learn the Koran Quran. Islamic applications forchildren.The features provided together with the application My Quran thatis, only changes to the display that adapts to the child's favoritesmall.Hopefully we will build learning applications Qur'an that educatechildren to love the nation's successor Indonesia Islam's holybook.===========================================the guardian studio is an Islamic application developers inIndonesia.Islam application developed quite successful in the market android,iOS, WP8 and BB10.Applications islam best of them are the guardians studio myQuranand Muslim Daily.Contact: support@thewalistudio.comVisit our website at
MyQuran Al Quran Indonesia 5.2.57
the WALi studio
Tulisan Arab Al Quran tidak diambil dariinternet, sesuai versi cetak di Indonesia dan sudah di periksa(TASHIH)Aplikasi Al Quran digital android terjemahan bahasa Indonesiaterbaik asli buatan anak bangsa.Fitur :✔ Text Al Quran android Digital offline tanpa internet 30 Juz 114Surah secara gratis✔ Desain indah dan elegan✔ Menyimpan surah terakhir, Klik pada ayat ayat AlQuran danterjemahannya✔ Pencarian Terjemahan dalam ayat ayat Al Quran bahasaindonesia✔ Kumpulan Doa dalam Alquran gratis✔ Bookmark✔ Ayat Sajdah✔ Membaca dan mendengarkan audio murotal mp3➢ Penulisan alquran terjemahan indonesia dan Latin sesuai versicetak dan TASHIH➢ Audio murotal Qori AlQuran mp3➢ Terjemahan Indonesia TASHIH➢ Al Quran Tajwid berwarna TASHIH➢ Latin / Transliterasi TASHIH➢ Swipe dengan 2 jari untuk pindah halaman➢ Alquran Audio mp3 Player yang bagus➢ Bagikan ke Media Sosial, Facebook maupun Twitter➢ Copy Terjemahan, latin dan arab➢ FullScreen, Landscape dan Portrait➢ Tampilan per halaman✔ Tugas Khatam untuk Ramadhan dan Hafal untuk hafizh✔ Asmaul Husna 99 nama baik Allah✔ Alarm terintegrasi dengan Jadwal Waktu Sholat wajib 5 waktu✔ Makhraj disertai audio◀◀◀ Tolong sebarkan karena banyak aplikasi AlQuran android yangberedar yang belum mendapatkan sertifikasi tashih. ▶▶▶Dengan aplikasi Al Qur'anul Karim yang indah ini, kami harap kitadapat menerima manfaat yang besar agar semakin cinta kepada KitabSuci umat IslamBaca Kitab suci umat Islam dalam terjemahan AlQuran BahasaIndonesia ini selalu.===========================================Aplikasi android terbaik dari the WALi studio adalah MyQuran danMuslim Daily.Hubungi : support@thewalistudio.comKunjungi website kami di
Kalender Puasa 2017
the WALi studio
Assalamualaikum wr wbPersembahan the WALi studio untuk para pengguna produk kami.Berikut Kalender Puasa untuk tahun 2017.Disertai dengan penanda puasa - puasa wajib dan sunah.1. Senin Kamis2. Ayyamul Bidh3. Ramadhan4. Haram Berpuasa5. Arafah6. Puasa Asyura dan Puasa Tasu'aTerimakasih untuk tetap setia menggunakan produk karya the WAListudioWassalamualaikum wr wb===========================================the WALi studio merupakan pengembang aplikasi Islami diIndonesia.Aplikasi islam yang dikembangkan cukup sukses di market android,iOS, WP8 dan BB10.Aplikasi islam terbaik dari the WALi studio diantaranya adalahMyQuran Indonesia dan Muslim Daily.Hubungi : support@thewalistudio.comKunjungi website kami di be upon you, andAllah mercy and blessingsThe trustee studio offerings for the users of our products.Fasting for the following calendar year 2017.Accompanied by a marker fasting - fasting obligatory andsunnah.1. Mondays and Thursdays2. Ayyamul Bidh3. Ramadan4. Haram Fasting5. Arafah6. Fasting Ashura and Fasting Tasu'aThank you to remain loyal to use products work the trusteestudioWassalamualaikum wr. wb===========================================the guardian studio is an Islamic application developers inIndonesia.Islam application developed quite successful in the market android,iOS, WP8 and BB10.Applications islam best of them are the guardians studio myQuranIndonesia and the Muslim Daily.Contact: support@thewalistudio.comVisit our website at
Upin & Ipin Jom Solat 1.0.3
the WALi studio
Follow Upin & Ipin as they help you tellthe time for prayer (Salat).Upin & Ipin will help you achieve prayer discipline in yourbusy life by providing a fun and easy way to track your prayers.Upin & Ipin will timely remind you for prayers and help youlocate the qibla direction.This application has the following features:- Solat time of Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha'a.- Azan notification.- The next prayer time is highlighted to easily aware for nextprayer.- Digital compass using your phone sensor will quickly point to theKiblat direction.- Integrated with Malaysia, Indonesia ,Brunei and Singapore prayertimes.
Quran MyQuran in English
the WALi studio
Full Complete Quran for Android user withaudio Reciter mp3, very simple and beautiful design, you will liketo read AlQuran Digital.Assalamualaikum wr wbBeautiful Quran in English application that give you so manyfeatures for read, learn, understand and memorize Quran.My Quran features:* Beautiful design* Always save your last read ayyah* Search Function* Duas in Quran* Bookmarks* Ayyah Sajdah* Page Viewer* Read Quran on Android- No Download required for Arabic Text- Many reciters mp3 (on lite version only for Al Fatihah, Al Falaq,Al Ikhlas, Al Lahab and An Naas)- Many translation- Colored Tajwid- Transliteration- Swipe with 2 fingers to navigate- Comfort audio player- Share To Social Media- Copy AlQuran Text- Fullscreen View- Portrait and Landscape view* Finishing Task. Help you to Khatam AlQuran (on lite versionautomatically generated and can not be changed)* Memorizing Task. Help you to memorize ayyahs on AlQuran (on liteversion only 5 tasks)* Asmaul Husna 99 names of Allah* Schedule/Alarm to remind you to read AlQuran integrated withPrayer Times. (+15 minutes after prayer times)* Makhraj with audioOn this beautiful application, we hope to help you all to love ourHoly Book, AlQuran.Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Upin & Ipin : Pintar Berdoa
the WALi studio
Come and join Upin & Ipin as they improvetheir live by teaching us about daily doa's with their recitation.Upin & Ipin will be reciting doa's such as:1. Doa Before Going to Bed2. Doa After Waking up3. Doa Going In and Out of the Toilet4. Doa Before and After Eating5. Doa Before and After Studying6. Doa for wearing clothes7. Doa after sneezingThis app is also include with Upin & Ipin voice reciting thedaily doa's with support up to 3 language (English, Malaysian,Indonesian) . With this app may we be able to improve our dailyroutine.
Menulis Huruf Hijaiyah Arab
the WALi studio
INDONESIAN DEVELOPER presentMenulis HijaiyahAplikasi untuk belajar menulis hijaiyah, baik huruf satuan maupunrangkaian kata.Terdiri dari :1. 28 Huruf Hijaiyah2. 20 Kata Hewan (4 untuk versi lite)3. 20 Kata Buah-Buahan (4 untuk versi lite)4. Dilengkapi suara untuk kata Hewan dan BuahAplikasi ini sangat baik untuk anak-anak yang ingin belajar menulishijaiyah serta merangkai kata-hijaiyah tersebut.
Muslim Photo Pro 1.0.0
the WALi studio
Muslim Photo Lab, photo editor applicationthat give you unique filter and many Islamic frames and stickers.Change your photo editor with this application, so you can giveIslamic nuance on your photo.Features :- Many filters like professional photo editor- Islamic stickers, with beautiful words, chat bubbles, Hijab andhat, glasses, and many more- Other effect like flares, Shapes, Frames, edit the brightness,contrast, saturation, blur effect, temperature, enhance,highlights, shadow, grain, crop and focus.Download NOW!
Kalkulator Zakat 1.0
the WALi studio
Kalkulator zakat merupakan aplikasi untuk menghitung besarnyazakatyang harus anda bayarkan.Perhitungan zakat yang dilakukan meliputi :- Zakat Harta- Zakat Profesi- Zakat UsahaZakatCalculator is an application to calculate the amount you mustpayzakat.Zakat calculation include:- Zakat Treasure- Zakat Profession- Business Zakat
Counter Tasbih 1.0
the WALi studio
Counter Tasbih merupakan applikasisebagaipengganti tasbih convensionaldengan fitur- Vibrate (perangkat bergetar jika dzikir sudah mencapai 33)- Suara dzikir (applikasi akan mengeluarkan suara dzikirselanjutnyajika dzikir yg sekarang sudah mencapai 33)- Reset All (mengulang kembali dzikir dari awal)- Reset (mengembalikan counter ke 0 untuk dzikir yg sekarang)fitur vibrate dan suara dzikir bisa di nonaktifkan.Tasbih Counter isanapplication instead of beads convensionalwith features- Vibrate (device vibrates if dhikr has reached 33)- Voice dhikr (remembrance voice application will issue furtherifdhikr which has now reached 33)- Reset All (repeated remembrance of the beginning)- Reset (restore counters to 0 for dhikr that now)vibrate and sound features can be deactivated dhikr.
Upin Ipin : Prayer Times
the WALi studio
Follow Upin & Ipin as they help you tellthe time for prayer (Salat).Upin & Ipin will help you achieve prayer discipline in yourbusy life by providing a fun and easy way to track your prayers.Upin & Ipin will timely remind you for prayers and help youlocate the qibla direction.This application has the following features:- Solat time of Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha'a.- Azan notification.- The next prayer time is highlighted to easily aware for nextprayer.- Digital compass using your phone sensor will quickly point to theKiblat direction.- Integrated with Malaysia, Indonesia ,Brunei and Singapore prayertimes.
Upin Ipin : Daily Duas
the WALi studio
Come and join Upin & Ipin as they improvetheir live by teaching us about daily doa's with their recitation.Upin & Ipin will be reciting doa's such as:1. Doa Before Going to Bed2. Doa After Waking up3. Doa Going In and Out of the Toilet4. Doa Before and After Eating5. Doa Before and After Studying6. Doa for wearing clothes7. Doa after sneezingThis app is also include with Upin & Ipin voice reciting thedaily doa's with support up to 3 language (English, Malaysian,Indonesian) . With this app may we be able to improve our dailyroutine.
Surah Al Mulk 1.0.6
the WALi studio
Quran Application with Surah Al Mulk only
Juz Amma 1.1.4
the WALi studio
Juz number 30 in Al Quran
Short Surah Al Quran for Kids 1.4
the WALi studio
Contains the set of short Surah for kids to memorize
Al Quran Bahasa Indonesia 1.1
the WALi studio
Applications al quran full 114 letters Indonesian Indonesian batiktheme.
IQRO Lengkap + audio 1.0
the WALi studio
Aplikasi buku iqro belajar membaca Al Quran dengan metode iqro
Quran Majeed 1.0
the WALi studio
Quran Majeed with night mode design
Tata Cara Manasik Haji dan Umr 1.1
the WALi studio
Aplikasi panduan Tata Cara Manasik haji dan umroh lengkap disertaiaudio
Tuntunan Sholat Lengkap +audio 2.02
the WALi studio
Tuntunan Sholat lengkap disertai audio, serta dzikir dan doasetelah shalat
Quran Colored Tajweed 1.36
the WALi studio
Quran Android Offline Free without limitation and without internetconnection.
Al Quran and Translation 1.0.16
the WALi studio
Quran Application for Android users with offline content andtranslation
Quran Android Offline 2.05
the WALi studio
Quran Android Offline without limitation and without internetconnection.
Quran Muslimah 1.1.2
the WALi studio
Quran Muslimah is a free Quran Application for android devices.
Surat Yasin 1.0.6
the WALi studio
Surat Yasin Beserta Audio Qori serta Latin dan Terjemahan