Rafa Khairunnisa التطبيقات

Kitab Bulughul Maram 1.0.1
Rafa Khairunnisa
Segala puji hanya milik Alloh Subhanahu waTa'ala, kami memuji-Nya, memohon pertolongan, ampunan danridla-Nya. Shalawat dan salam semoga tetap dilimpahkan kepada NabiMuhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam beserta keluarga, paraSahabat dan pengikutnya yang lurus hingga hari Kiamat.Bulughul Maram merupakan salah satu karya fenomenal darial-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany setelah Syarah (penjelasan) ShahihBukhari, yaitu Fathul-Bari. Kitab ini beliau tulis berdasarkanhafalan beliau tanpa melihat kepada kitab aslinya. Sungguh muliabeliau menghafal sekian ribu hadits, lalu mengajarkannya. Begitupunhingga kini, berapa banyak berapa banyak ulama yang telah dansedang mengajarkan kitab ini kepada kaum muslimin. Semua itumudah-mudahan Alloh Subhanahu wa Ta'ala membalas dengan kebaikanyang berlipat-lipat ganda kepada al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalanydan para ulama, serta umat Islam yang telah dan sedang mengajar danmempelajarinya.Isi:1. Kitab ThaharahBab Air-airBab Bejana-bejanaBab Najis dan Cara MenghilangkannyaBab WudluBab Mengusap Dua KhufBab Yang Membatalkan WudluBab Cara Buang AirBab Mandi dan hukum JunubBab TayammumBab Haidl2. Kitab ShalatBab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)Bab AdzanBab Syarat-syarat ShalatBab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang ShalatBab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam ShalatBab Mesjid-mesjidBab Shifat ShalatBab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnyaBab Shalat ThathawwuBab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imamBab Shalat Musafir dan Yang SakitBab Shalat Jum'atBab Shalat KhaufBab Shalat Dua Hari RayaBab Shalat GerhanaBab Shalat IstisqaBab Pakaian3. Kitab Jenazah4. Kitab ZakatKitab ZakatBab Zakat FitrahBab Shadaqah ThathawwuBab Pembagian Shadaqah5. Kitab ShiyamBab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang DilarangBab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan6. Kitab HajiBab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban HajiBab Tentang MiqatBab Wajib Ihram dan SifatnyaBab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan DengannyaBab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota MakkahBab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji7. Kitab Jual BeliBab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikanBab KhiyarBab RibaBab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahanBab Salam, Qiradh, dan GadaiBab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)Bab PerdamaianBab Memindahkan Hutang dan MenanggungBab Syirkah dan WakalahBab Iqrar (Pengakuan)Bab AriyahBab GhashabBab Syuf'ahBab QiradhBab Musaqah dan IjarahBab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang MatiBab WaqafBab Hibah, Umra dan RuqbaBab Barang TemuanBab FaraidlBab WasiatBab Barang Titipan8. Kitab NikahHadits-hadits tentang NikahBab Kafa'ah dan KhiyarBab Pergaulan Dengan IstriBab MaskawinBab WalimahBab Pembagian GiliranBab KhuluBab ThalaqBab RujukBab Ila', Zihar dan KafaratBab Sumpah Li'anBab Iddah dan IhdadBab PenyusuanBab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan9. Kitab Urusan PidanaHadits-hadits tentang PidanaBab DendaBab Menuntut Darah dan SumpahBab Memerangi Para PemberontakBab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad10. Kitab HukumanBab Hukuman Pelaku ZinaBab Hukuman MenuduhBab Hukum PencurianBab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang Minuman YangMemabukkanBab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat11. Kitab JihadHadits-hadits tentang JihadBab Upeti dan Gencatan SenjataBab Berlomba dan Memanah12. Kitab MakananBab Binatang Buruan dan SembelihanBab KurbanBab Aqiqah13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar14. Kitab Memutuskan PerkaraBab PersaksianBab Dakwa dan Bukti15. Kitab Memerdekakan BudakBab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad16. Kitab KelengkapanBab AdabBab Kebaikan dan SilaturrahmiBab Zuhud dan WaraBab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan AkhlakBab Mendorong untuk Melakukan KebaikanBab Dzikir dan Do'aPraise be to Allah SWT,we praise Him, pleading for help, forgiveness and His ridla.Prayers and peace may remain delegated to the Prophet Muhammadsallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his family, the Companions andtheir followers until the Day of Judgment straight.Bulughul Maram is one of the phenomenal work of al-Hafiz IbnHajar al-Asqalany after Sharh (explanation) Sahih Bukhari, namelyFathul-Bari. The book he wrote based on his rote without seeing theoriginal book. It's noble hadith he memorized so many thousands,then teach it. Likewise, until now, how many how many scholars whohave been and are being taught this book to the Muslims. Hopefullyall that Allah SWT reply with kindness double manifold to al-HafizIbn Hajar al-Asqalany and the clergy, as well as Muslims who havebeen and are being taught and learned.Contents:1. Book thaharah Air-water section Chapter vessel-vessel Chapter Impure and eliminating it Chapter wudlu Wiped Chapter Two Khuf The chapter wudlu Cancel Chapter How to Remove Water Bath and legal chapter junub Chapter Tayammum Chapter Haidl2. Book of Prayer Part-time time (Prayer) Chapter Adhan Terms Chapter Prayer Chapter sutrah Prayers For The People Prompts Chapter khusyu In Salah Chapter mosques Chapter Shifat Prayer Prostration chapter Sahwi and others Chapter Prayer Thathawwu Chapter Prayer in congregation and priest Chapter Musafir Prayer and The Pain Chapter Friday prayer Chapter Prayer Khauf Chapter Two Prayers Feast Chapter Eclipse Prayer Chapter Prayer Istisqa Chapter Clothing3. The Book of Bodies4. Book of Zakat Book of Zakat Chapter Zakat Fitrah Chapter Sadaqah Thathawwu Distribution Chapter Sadaqah5. Book Shiyam Chapter shaum Sunnah and shaum Prohibited Chapter seclude themselves and Worship Ramadan6. Book of Hajj Chapter virtue of Hajj and Its Obliged Hajj Chapter About Miqat Mandatory Chapter Ihram and nature Chapter Ihram and in connection therewith Chapter nature and Hajj in Makkah City Late Chapters and obstruction of Hajj7. Book Sale Chapter The requirements and the Di Disallow traded Chapter khiyar Chapter Riba Chapter rukhshah Sell Fruits Chapter Regards, Qiradh, and Pawn Chapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Arresting) Section of Peace Chapter Moving Debt and Bear Chapter Shirkah and Wakalah Chapter Iqrar (Recognition) Chapter Ariyah Chapter Ghashab Chapter Syuf'ah Chapter Qiradh Chapter Musaqah and Ijarah Chapter Turning The Dead Land Chapter Waqf Chapter Grants, Umra and Ruqba Goods Chapter Findings Chapter Faraidl Chapter Probate Chapter Goods Courier8. The Book of Marriage Hadiths about Marriage Chapter kafa'ah and khiyar Chapter Intercourse With Wife Chapter dowry Chapter Walimah Distribution Chapter Rota Chapter Khulu Chapter THALAQ Refer to Chapter Chapter Ila ', zihar and expiation Chapter Pledge Li'an Chapter idda and Ihdad Chapter Breastfeeding Chapter Nafaqah / Maintenance9. Book of Criminal Affairs Hadiths about the Criminal Chapter Fines Chapter Demanding Blood and Oath Chapter Fighting The Rebels Chapter Fighting The Villain and Kill People Apostate10. Punishment Book Chapter Punishment Actors Adultery Accusing Chapter Punishment Theft Laws Chapter Chapter Penalties for drink and Explanation of IntoxicatingDrinks Chapter Ta'zir and Legal Criminals11. The Book of Jihad Hadiths on Jihad Chapter Tributes and Armistice Chapter Racing and Archery12. Book of Food Chapter Hurry and slaughtered animals Chapter Sacrifice Chapter Aqiqah13. The Book of Oaths and Nazar14. Deciding Book Case Chapter testament Chapter arraignment and Evidence15. Book of Freeing Slaves Chapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Ummul Walad16. Book Completed Chapter Adab Chapter Goodness and Silaturrahmi Chapter Zuhud and Wara Warning to Avoid Ugliness Chapter Morals Encourage chapters to Perform Goodness Chapter Dhikr and Du'a
Kitab Shahih Bukhari 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Aplikasi android Kitab Shahih Bukhari merupakan kumpulanhadis-hadis dari kitab Shahih Bukhari, terdapat lebih dari 7000hadis disertai terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya.Kitab Shahih Bukhari dan Kitab Shahih Muslim adalah kitab haditspaling shahih bila dibandingkan dengan kitab-kitab hadits lain, duakitab shahih ini dikenal juga dengan sebutan As-Shahihain (kalaudiartikan ke bahasa indonesia kira-kira artinya "dua kitabshahih'), akan tetapi tidak semua hadits shahih terdapat dalamkitab As-Shahihain tersebut. kita bisa mencari hadits-hadits shahihyang tidak terdapat dalam As-Shahihain dalam kitab ulama haditsyang lain seperti Shahih Ibnu Khuzaimah, Shahih Ibnu Hibban,Kitab-kitab sunan yang empat, Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Sunan Al-Baihaqi,Sunan Ad-Daruquthni, dan lainnya.Androidapplications book of Bukhari is a collection of hadiths from SahihBukhari, there are more than 7000 hadiths with Indonesian languagetranslation.Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim Book is the most saheeh hadeethbook compared to other books of hadith, Sahih these two books alsoknown as As-Shahihain (if interpreted to Indonesian roughly means"two books of Saheeh '), will but not all authentic hadith found inthe book As-Shahihain. we can find hadeeth saheeh which is notcontained in the book As-Shahihain another hadith scholars such asIbn Khuzaimah Saheeh, Saheeh Ibn Hibban, books of Sunan were four,Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Sunan Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan Ad-Daruquthni, andothers.
Makanan Kecerdasan Otak Anak 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Anak membutuhkan asupan gizi yang tepat untuk meningkatkankemampuan otak mereka. Makanan-makan sehat buat kecerdasan otakanak, tersaji di aplikasi iniChildrenneed proper nutrition to boost their brainpower. Food-healthyeating for children's intelligence, presented in thisapplication
Arti Mimpi 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Arti mimpi sangat beragam artinya, aplikasi arti mimpi akanmengulas masalah arti mimpi kita sehari hari yang kami rangkum dariberbagai sumber. Menafsirkan mimpi sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu,berbagai peristiwa dan fenomena alam dikaitkan dengan mimpi.Aplikasi ini berisi arti mimpi, tafsir mimpi, mimpi, arti-artimimpi, kumpulan tafsir mimpi, kumpulan arti mimpi, primbon,ramalan, buku tafsir mimpi, tidur, buku mimpi, panduan mimpi,membaca mimpi, bermimpi.Berikut ini beberapa arti mimpi yg paling banyak di cari:- arti mimpi hamil- arti mimpi ular- arti mimpi menikah- arti mimpi banjir- arti mimpi potong rambut- arti mimpi buang air besar- arti mimpi melahirkan- arti mimpi gigi copotThemeaning of dreams vary widely meaning, the meaning of dreams willreview the application problems of our day to day dream means thatwe summarized from various sources. Interpreting dreams has existedsince ancient times, a variety of events and natural phenomenaassociated with dreams.This application contains the meaning of dreams, dreaminterpretation, dream, dream meanings, a collection of dreaminterpretation, dream meaning of collection, horoscope, divination,dream interpretation books, sleep, dream books, dream guide, readdreams, dreaming.Here are some of the meaning of dreams that most in thesearch:- Meaning of dreams pregnant- Meaning of dreams snakes- The meaning of the dream married- Meaning of dreams flood- Meaning of dreams haircut- Meaning of dreams defecation- Meaning of dreams childbirth- Meaning of dreams teeth dislodged
Kitab Shahih Muslim 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Aplikasi android Kitab Shahih Muslim. Penulis kitab Shahih Muslimadalah Al-Imam Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim binKausyaz al-Qusyairi an-Naisaburi. Lahir di Naisaburi, sebuah daerahdi Usbekistan, Asia Tengah, pada tahun 204 H dan wafat pada tahun261 H. Ia belajar agama sejak kecil dan terkenal dengan sifattawadhu’ dan wara’.Kitab Shahih Muslim diberi nama oleh penulisnya dengan Al-Musnadal-Shahih. Hadis telah mencakup hadis-hadis dalam berbagai bidangkeagamaan seperti : keimanan, hukum, akhlak, tafsir, sirah, danlain-lain. Oleh karena itu, para ulama menyebut kitab Muslim inidengan kitab al-Jami’.SahihMuslim Book of android applications. Sahih Muslim is the author ofAl-Imam Abul Husain Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim ibn al-QushayriKausyaz an-Naisaburi. Born in Naisaburi, an area in Usbekistan,Central Asia, in the year 204 H and died in 261 H. He studiedreligion since childhood and is famous for its humble nature 'andwara'.Sahih Muslim to be named by the author with Al-Musnad al-Sahih.Hadith has covered the traditions in various fields such asreligion: faith, law, morals, interpretation, sirah, and others.Therefore, the Muslim scholars call this book the book al-Jami'.
Cerita Misteri 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Update Cerita Misteri, Kumpulan Cerita Horor, Cerita SeramTerbaru.. Cerita Misteri adalah aplikasi android yang berisicerita-cerita misteri pengalaman orang sehari-hari..key: cerita misteri nyata, cerita misteri seram, cerita misterihantu, cerita misteri pesugihanBerikut ini beberapa cerita misteri yg sering di cari+ cerita misteri nyata+ cerita misteri seram+ cerita misteri lawang sewu+ cerita misteri hantu+ cerita misteri gunung salak+ cerita misteri duniaUpdateMystery Stories, Horror Stories set, Ceram Recent Stories ..Mystery Stories is android application which contains mysteries ofeveryday experiences ..key: the real mystery, spooky mystery story, mystery ghoststory, mystery story pesugihanHere are some stories that are often in search of mystery+ Real mystery stories+ Spooky mystery stories+ Mace mystery sewu+ Mystery ghost story+ Salak mountain mystery+ Mystery world
Resep Masak Mie 2.0.1
Rafa Khairunnisa
Resep masak mie terbaru yang cukup sederhana dan mudah di buat tapimemiliki rasa yang enak dan gurih.Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan mie? mie bagi masyarakat indonesiaadalah salah satu pengganti nasi. Tak jarang pula mie dijadikansebagi lauk pauk, yang tentunya setelah di olah dengan berbagaimacam bahan makanan lain.Aplikasi ini menawarkan resep sederhana membuat mie mulai dariresep masak mie jawa, resep masak mie instan, resep masak mie sagu,resep masak mie kuning, resep masak mie goreng spesial, resep masakmie telor dll.Latestcooking recipes noodles are quite simple and easy to make but has agood flavor and savory.Who is not familiar with the noodles? for society Indonesiannoodles is one substitute for rice. Not infrequently used as anoodle side dishes, which of course after though with a widevariety of other foods.This application offers a simple recipe to make noodles cooknoodles recipes ranging from Java, recipe cook instant noodles,noodles cooked sago recipe, recipe cook yellow noodles, friednoodles cook special recipes, cooking recipes egg noodles etc..
Kumpulan Cerpen Cinta 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Kumpulan Cerpen Cinta Romantis terbaru. Cintaberakhir dengan bahagia, namun sebuah perasaan cinta terkadangbertepuk sebelah tangan atapun takdir tidak memutuskan untuk duainsan yang dilanda perasaan cinta dipersatukan.Download aplikasinya kumpulan cerpen cinta remaja berisi antaralain: cerpen cinta romantis, cerpen cinta remaja, cerpen cintapertama, cerpen cinta romantik, cerpen cinta sedih, cerpen cintasejati, cerpen cinta melayuLatest short storycollection of Romantic Love. In love with a happy ending, but afeeling of unrequited love atapun sometimes destiny is not decidedfor two people hit by the feeling of love united.Download the application contains a collection of short storiesteenage love include: romantic love stories, teenage love stories,short stories first love, romantic love stories, sad love stories,true love stories, love stories wither
Budidaya Semut Rangrang 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Aplikasi android budidaya semut rangrangpenghasil kroto. Apa yang ada di benak Anda ketika mendengar katakroto? Pasti menuju ke pakan burung kicau. Harga kroto yang cukupmenggiurkan membuat ternak semut rangrang menjadi salah satualternatif bisnis yang perlu di kembangkan. Ternak semut bisa dilakukan dengan lahan terbatas di rumahan. Dengan modal yang relatifkecil dan biaya pemeliharaan juga amat sangat terjangkau, membuatbudidaya semut rangrang rumahan perlu di coba baik sebagaisampingan ataupun bisnis utama.Permintaan kroto cukup tinggi, terutama dari para pencintaburung kicau. Padahal, keberadaannya di alam terbatas. Bahkan,pasokan kroto di alam kian berkurang dengan semakin berkurangnyahutan. Kroto juga berkurang saat musim hujan. Padahal permintaannyacenderung naik.Android applicationweaver ants cultivating Kroto producer. What's in your mind whenyou hear the word Kroto? Definitely go to feed the birds chirping.Kroto price is quite tempting to make cattle weaver ants into analternative business that needs to be developed. Livestock ants canbe done with limited space at home. With relatively small capitaland maintenance cost is also very affordable, making cultivation ofweaver ants in the home need to try either as a side or mainbusinesses.Kroto demand is quite high, especially the lovers of birdschirping. In fact, its presence is limited in nature. In fact, thesupply of natural Kroto in diminished with the reduction in thewoods. Kroto was also reduced during the rainy season. Thoughdemand is likely to rise.
Karakter Orang berdasar Zodiak 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Zodiak ada kaitannya dengan penanggalan, dandipercaya membawa pengaruh atau menurunkan sifat & karakterbagi orang yang dilahirkan pada siklus tersebut. Jadi melaluizodiak kita bisa membaca sifat & karakter orang lain maupundiri kita sendiri.Nothing to do with thezodiac calendar, and is believed to bring influence or degrade thenature and character of the people who were born in the cycle. Sowe can read the zodiac through nature and character of others aswell as ourselves.
Budidaya Ternak Kelinci 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Budidaya ternak kelinci memang tak semenjamurternak sapi atau kambing. Lagi pula, orang yang doyan menyantapolahan daging kelinci juga belum sebanyak yang gemar menyantapdaging sapi atau kambing.Namun siapa sangka keuntungan beternak kelinci ternyata cukupbanyak. Bahkan air kencingnya pun bermanfaat dan memiliki nilaiekonomi.keyword : cara budidaya ternak kelinci, budidaya kelinci hias,ternak kelinci pedaging, cara ternak kelinci anggora, kandangternak kelinci, cara ternak kelinci, ternak kelinci hias, jeniskelinciRaising rabbits is notsemenjamur cattle or goats. After all, people are fond of eatingprocessed meat rabbits are also not as many who love to eat beef ormutton.But who would have thought a profit raising rabbits is quite alot. Even urine was beneficial and economically viable.keywords: rabbit livestock farming ways, the cultivation ofornamental rabbits, broiler rabbits, Angora rabbits way, rabbitslivestock barns, livestock means rabbit, ornamental rabbits, typesof rabbits
Biografi Orang Kaya Indonesia 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Kumpulan biografi orang-orang terkaya diindonesia. Banyak diantara mereka yg masuk majalah forbes. Kitabisa mencontoh jiwa berusaha mereka.A collection ofbiographies of the richest people in Indonesia. Many of those whocome in forbes magazine. We can imitate their life trying.
Resep Coklat Lezat 2.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Resep coklat lezat kumpulan hasil uji cobadapur masakan. Resep-resep yang disajikan sangat simple dan mudahuntuk membuatnya. disertai dengan gambar yang menggugahselera.Resep akan senantiasa di update :)Beralihlah sekarang juga hanya sekali download anda bisa melihatseluruh resep tanpa harus terkoneksi INTERNET LagiSemoga bermanfaat.*kritik dan saran dari anda sangat kami perlukanKeyword : resep coklat batangan, resep coklat valentine, resepcoklat lava cake, resep coklat praline, resep coklat mousse, reseppuding coklat, resep kue kering coklat, resep kue coklatA collection of deliciouschocolate recipes kitchen cooking test results. The recipes arepresented is very simple and easy to make. accompanied bymouthwatering images.Recipes will be constantly updated :)Switch now just once downloaded you can view the entire recipewithout having to connect INTERNET AgainMay be useful.* Criticisms and suggestions from you so we needKeyword: recipe chocolate bars, chocolate valentine recipe,recipe chocolate lava cake, chocolate praline recipe, recipechocolate mousse, chocolate pudding recipe, chocolate cookierecipe, chocolate cake recipe
Jenis-jenis Burung 1.0.1
Rafa Khairunnisa
Burung telah memberikan manfaat luar biasadalam kehidupan manusia. Aplikasi ini menampilkan berbagai jenisburung. Beberapa jenis burung, seperti ayam, kalkun, angsa danbebek telah didomestikasi sejak lama dan merupakan sumber proteinyang penting; daging maupun telurnya.Aplikasi akan terus di update databasenya..Download aplikasinya, menambah pengetahuan anda tentang burung.Bird has providedtremendous benefits in human life. This application displays avariety of birds. Some birds, such as chickens, turkeys, geese andducks have been domesticated since a long time and is an importantsource of protein, meat and eggs.The application will continue to update its database ..Download the application, increase your knowledge about birds.
Jenis Kucing Populer 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
Kucing salah satu hewan peliharaan yangsangandisukai manusia. berbagai jenis kucing disajikan padaaplikasi ini.Foto-foto kucing lucu disertai penjelasan asal usulkucing dapat dibaca di sini. Macam-macam jenis Kucing, Bahkan adajenis jeniskucing langka dan unik. Informasi seputar kucing persiadan gambarkucing nya.tag: gambar kucing, jenis kucing, kucing persiaA pet cat thatisunbelievably human like. different types of cats presented inthisapplication. Funny cat pictures with explanation of the originofthe cat can be read here. Various types of cats, even a kindofrare and unique breed of cat. Information about the Persian catanda picture of her cat.tag: cat pictures, cats, persian cat
Puzzle Hantu 1.0.1
Rafa Khairunnisa
Hantu atau makhluk ghaib.. banyak fotohantuatau setan atau kuntilanak atau genderuwo yang beredar diduniamaya. Aplikasi games puzzle serem ini mengambil gambar hantuygbanyak beredar..Hati-hati dengan suara yang di hasilkan dari gamepuzzleini..Sebaiknya dimainkan pada malam hari di saat sepi.. janganlupakeraskan volume device anda..Game seram di android ini cukup unik, selain menggunakanvisualjuga menggunakan audio. suara yang di hasilkan bisa bikinkagetyang memainkannya.Semoga terhibur.Ghosts orsupernaturalbeings .. lots of photos of ghosts or demons orkuntilanak orgenderuwo circulating in cyberspace. Application ofthis scarypuzzle games take a ghost image that many outstanding ..Be careful with the sound of which is derived from thispuzzlegame ..Should be played at night in a quiet moment .. do not forgettoharden the volume of your device ..Spooky games in android is quite unique, in addition tousingalso using audio visual. sound produced can make theplayshocked.Hopefully entertained.
Resep Sambel Nusantara 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
App android kali ini menampilkan resepsambaltradisional Nusantara. Banyak resep sambel di Indonesiamenyuguhkanciri khas masing-masing daerah. Cara membuat sambeltergolongmudah, karena hanya membutuhkan beberapa bahan saja danterutamaadalah cabe.Jenis sambel yang ada sekarang ini sangat banyak sekalimulaidari sambal biasa, sambel tomat hingga sambal terasi yang akankitacoba dibawah nanti. Ibarat makan tanpa sambal sama sepertisayurtanpa garam menurut kebanyakan warga di kota besar maupunpedesaan.Sambal juga bisa membuat selera atau nafsu makanmeningkatdrastis.Isi applikasi ini antara lain:resep sambel ayam bakarresep sambel bawangresep sambel tomatresep sambel matahresep sambel ijoresep sambel terasiresep sambel bajakresep sambel goreng kentangdan masih banyak lagi jenis sambal-sambal lain yang patutandacoba.Android app thistimefeaturing a traditional chili recipe archipelago. Manyrecipessauce in Indonesia presents a characteristic of each region.How tomake the sauce quite easy, as it only requires a fewingredientsonly and foremost is chili.Type of sauce that is now very much at all from the usualsauce,tomato sauce to chili paste under which we will try later.Like ameal without sauce just like vegetables without saltaccording tomost people in the major cities and rural areas. Canalso make thesauce taste or appetite increased dramatically.The contents of this application are:grilled chicken sauce recipeonion sauce recipetomato sauce recipematah sauce recipegreen sauce recipeshrimp sauce recipeplow sauce recipesauce recipe fried potatoesand many other types of chili-sauce that you should try.
Dinosaurs Puzzle 1.0
Rafa Khairunnisa
The best puzzles of Dinosaursjigsaws.Unscramble the pieces to make a Dinosaurs picture. Ideal asaplayful/educational activity for parents and kids. Togethertheycan test their knowledge in the quiz and have funrearrangingpictures in the puzzles. Dino Puzzle Game with multiplepuzzles ofvarious dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures.Game Features:- The game will help your kids memory training,- The game will develop the child's cognitive ability,- The game will help identify objects,- Cute animal graphics, images,- Let your kids entertainment, education,- User interface is simple